Aug 28, 2006 12:54
thats totally how i feel right so at work and i just started at 12..its now 1255 and i work until 830 tonight..they've surf controlled myspace at work so i guess thats it for me..i duno what the hell im gonna do all day..whatever
i was supposed to have a second interview this morning at great west life..they were supposed to call my house at 930..they never called..i called them twice and asked what was happening..someone called back and apologized like a hundred times that the person that was supposed to call me back didn't..she said that she was e-mailing her managers and that she would try and call my back today to reschedule an interview..but all this means is that i'll have to take another morning off and have to wkr another late shift..with no myspace..i'm so annoyed..but being annoyed doesnt help anything..i need to remain positive..need to hope and plan for the best..potentially this job could be one of the best things that happens to me right? so why am i stressing out over TWO late shifts at convergys, when it is going to be ridiculously slow and i won't even need to work that much..msn still works, so i can talk to people on msn..just no myspace..which i should be cutting back on anyways..although...
livejournal really annoys me..i read peoples posts and journals, and sometimes i just roll my i mean i'm not speaking to any one person thats on my friends list..but some people i just roll my eyes when i read what they have to say..iit seems so fake..and i just don't care..what they are talking about really doesnt interest me at all..and it just refletcs the way people live their people can be fake..or living for themselves..its like they've forgotten why we do what we do and have lost interest.
at this point the people im speaking to has i think everyone or almost everyone on my list would call themselves a christian..maybe they dont think they are anymore or wouldnt call themselves one anymore..i want all teh christians and any non christians on my list or who are stalking my livejournal to check themselves right now..ask yourself..why do i live my life the way i do..and then think about it..think about whats important..i duno..whatever