May 18, 2004 09:05
there are so many things that I want to say to people to help them realize what they do. There are so many people in my house and I want to tell them to knock their bull-shit off. I hate that you know other people can;t addapt to you, you always have to adapt to them. arrrggghhh. anywho...I am hoping that I get the senior intership at my work I am desperately trying to get this job. I hope that my girlfriend gets a junior intership with us. I think that it would be really cool. I told her that I wouldn't treat her any differently from anyone else. I also said that we have to keep things professional if I got the job and she did as well. so that's new. I wonder who she's talking about in her journal. Oh and another thing I am really sick of everyones attitude in this house.