So, I know E3 is a big deal and all. Anyone who somewhat likes video games on any platform would love to have the chance to go. So getting to go VIP style via the Playstation Undergrounds Game Advisor Panel was even cooler. Not only did we get to do things that normal gamers didn't get to do (i.e. walk around before opening and play games sans the lines, go to the Sony Party, and do filming) but we got to record stuff for the E3 DVD that's supposed to come out with your PSM (Playstation Magaizine) sometime in August.
I think one cool experience was that the other G.A.P members who were invited to come to E3 would come up to the other winners and I and want to hang out and really enjoyed all of our audition tapes that they saw online. However I did not expect
this to happen. I never thought someone in the Netherlands would become a fan of me. It's cool and wired at the same time.
If you haven't seen the footage yet go
here. Who knows, maybe you'll start using my picture and posting in a Dutch/English gaming forum. :)
Until we meet again.