SCHOOL IS FOR FOOLS... ok im j/p

Oct 13, 2004 17:33

hehe i didnt go to school today YEAHHH!! my momma woke me up this morning and it was a lil late n since shes the freakin best mom ever she was like "just stay home" so like a good daughter i listend.. and stayed home..i got to sleep all day and it felt GREAT... then school got out and mr. jj wanted me to chill w/ him.. but that didnt work out b.c he cant give directions worth shit and i had to pick up my brother.. BUT I STILL LOVE HIM... then i went to the Y with my family... dude.. i REALLY hope we join.. its such a pretty sight ;-) OwW but yeah i enjoyed my work out!
well im done updating.. my life isnt too interesting... so im ouT!
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