Good Wife finale

May 12, 2016 15:07

Left most of this as a comment on frelling_tralk's post, and figured I might as well share my FEELINGS here too.

I hated the finale not because of the ambiguity, but because of Alicia betraying Diane after she'd already betrayed Cary. Cary, who still stepped up to be a big damn hero to find the bullets when he had absolutely nothing to gain. I really wanted Alicia to apologize to him and for them to have a final scene, but nope. I mean, in S6 when he was going to jail, they asked him for the name of one person who he trusted to handle his affairs, and it was Alicia. She was the person in the WHOLE WORLD he trusted the most. Sigh. I loved the evolution of their friendship over the years, and this season was just...ugh, whatever. I'm glad Cary's enjoying teaching or whatever. But considering how much screen time Jason and Lucca got (although a lot of Lucca's scenes in the later eps were just being a Jason/Alicia shipper), I wanted more for Cary.

(Can you tell Cary was my fave character? Heh.)

The Kings said that Alicia "didn't knowingly betray" Diane, and that Diane was just collateral damage. Uh, DIDN'T KNOWINGLY BETRAY HER??

Of course she knew what she was doing! Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining, Kings. So yeah, for me it was just too much. I didn't always love Alicia, but I rooted for her, and now I'm like, whatever. Go screw yourself, Alicia. Not exactly how I wanted to feel after investing seven years in this show.

Also, the excuse the Kings gave for Alicia -- that she had to do whatever it took to stop Grace from not going to college because of Peter -- was super lame, IMO. It was so contrived that Grace would put off college. I feel like Peter and Alicia certainly could have talked her around on that stupid life choice.

I didn't care one way or the other about Jason, who was so even-keeled and charming that he bored me. I kept waiting for them to dig deeper and see some cracks in that cool facade, especially since he'd obviously had anger problems in the past. But nope, he was just dreamy and collected. I'm glad Alicia let go of Peter's hand, but wish it hadn't been to chase after another dude.

I still love S1-5 (and the first half of S6 with Cary's storyline), but the grim and cold ending was depressing for me. I didn't need sunshine and rainbows, but betraying Diane like that was the last straw for me. :(

let me tell you how i really feel, good wife

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