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Comments 2

frelling_tralk June 11 2015, 14:24:18 UTC

Okay, so do we think Mulder and Scully are apart at the beginning of the episodes?

I can't decide if they're still together romantically or not, they do seem close and affectionate still in those stills, but it would be very CC to withhold them actually being a couple, then get them back together at the end of the series. It does kind of look like Mulder is greeting Scully after a separation, but who knows!


bigboobedcanuck June 11 2015, 14:29:34 UTC
Yeah, that's what the stills look like to me too -- that they haven't seen each other in a while. Of course anything is possible, but also from their clothing it suggests she's working at the bureau, and he's still rogue. And as long as they're together in the end, I'm good. We never really got to properly see them get together on the show, so building up to a reunion would work well, I think. Time will tell!


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