(no subject)

Dec 03, 2014 19:11

Hello, LJ! Gah, things are so busy right now, but I miss you all and am still checking my flist every few days even if I don't comment. <3

Whatshisname from Teen Wolf is a good actor, but oh my Jesus do I want to smack Father Gabriel. "Are you going to take the cross too?" YES, YES WE ARE IF THAT'S WHAT IT TAKES TO SAVE LIVES. SO STFU. And he snuck out and brought the horde of zombies back to the church so he could...see the evidence of cannibalism for himself? Really? Strong work, padre.

Sigh, Beth. I had a feeling she was going to bite it. I'll miss her, and my heart breaks for Maggie and Daryl, and for everyone. Poor Maggie. How cruel to have that hope and then have it crushed. I've seen comments that she wasn't very worried about Beth, but what was she supposed to do? Beth was gone, and in all likelihood was dead, and Maggie didn't have the first clue about where to look for her. In this world they lose people, and all you can do is keep going. But now this will be quite a blow for her. Lauren Cohan's so great. I predict she'll be slaying me when the new episodes return. :((

And I'm glad Rick killed officer Bob. He told him to stop. The end.

Good Wife continues to be amazeballs, and OMG CARY I AM SO WORRIED FOR MY BOO. Matt Czuchry is just killing it. Oh, my heart. #FREECARY Also, Bishop had better end up behind bars for life before this show ends.

The Amazing Race is great this season! Bummed about the most recent elimination, but what can you do. I love it when the challenges are really hard.

the walking dead, random tv, good wife

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