A bestseller!

Dec 09, 2013 20:14

So, as some of you know, I was very unexpectedly laid off in July. It was an upsetting time, and then I turned 40 in August. THANKS, UNIVERSE! But after much reflection I decided to take this opportunity to change my career and make my part-time romance writing my full-time job.

It's scary. It's exciting. It's a dream I'm going to work my ass off to achieve. Things will definitely be tight financially at first (oh trips to Broadway, how I will miss you for the next couple of years!), but it's worth it to make a go at the career I want. I love writing fiction so much, and I love working from home. I don't miss a cubicle or commuting on the subway or having to put on pants at ALL. I do get out of the house to go to the gym every day, and of course I talk to friends and family. As outgoing as I am, I'm an introvert at heart and I adore working alone without all the distractions of an office. It's wonderful to work for myself doing something I truly love.

Last Tuesday my new Christmas novella, Where the Lovelight Gleams, was released by Loose Id. For the first time, one of my books cracked the top 100 on the gay bestseller lists on Amazon! It's been as high as 25. Then on the weekend All Romance Ebooks emailed to tell me I'd made their bestseller list! I'm in the top 50 (currently at 28) for not just M/M romance -- but ALL romance genres.

It's so exciting and gratifying! Thank you to everyone here who has supported me over the years. This has been such a year of upheaval, but also one of blessings. I did a lot of soul searching about making the leap to writing romance full time, and I know that if I don't try, I'll always regret it. Carpe diem! Onwards and upwards! :D And here's more about the new book:

This Christmas, actor Ryan Drake is pining. He may get to kiss gorgeous Cary Holloway on the set of their hit TV show, Space Academy, but he knows it’ll never happen in real life. Charming Cary-the son of Hollywood royalty-is straight, as evidenced by his starlet girlfriend. But Christmas is a time for unexpected gifts, and Cary accepts Ryan’s invitation to leave the palm trees behind and spend the holiday with his family at their cabin in the Great White North.

Amid the snow and mistletoe, Ryan struggles to keep his longing under wraps. Little does he know, Cary wrestles with his own unspoken desires and his very identity. Surrounded by family and holiday joy, their warm friendship deepens. Will these two co-stars have the courage to brave Hollywood pressures and take their romance offscreen-or will it be only in their dreams?

Find out at:
Loose Id (on sale for $3.59!)

I'm also hosting an LGBT holiday book giveaway extravaganza at my website! All book giveaways are open to Dec 22, so come on over and enter to win some festive and sexy stories!

feels, life, my books, keiraandrews.com, books, something gay no doubt

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