Changing times

Nov 02, 2013 11:09

It's so weird to see an indepth article on slash in the mainstream press. It's a good read, and the writer did his homework and wasn't judgey. I recognized the names of a few people interviewed. Stewardess! Loooove her BoB fic. :D

The Leverage creator is cool. And we've been over this a zillion times with Jeff Davis and how I get it that the ( Read more... )

fanfic, my books, why can't we have nice things?, writing, something gay no doubt, stiles/derek fic

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parkergray November 2 2013, 19:46:05 UTC
What really irks me is that it's not 'giving fans what they want.' It is seeing the chemistry between Dylan O'Brien and Tyler Hoechlin and fucking RUNNING with it. They have 'fans' because people see and respond to that chemistry. Who cares that it wasn't in your plan? Who cares that it came out of the blue? Freaking USE it, man. I get that it's two guys and that it's not what you imagined for them, but it happened. Embrace it! (Think back to the halcyon days of the WB and a little show called 'Dawson's Creek.' Where Dawson was the main character and Joey was his love interest. And if they'd kept to the script, that's what would have happened. However, they saw the epic chemistry between Katie Holmes and Joshua Jackson and let that dictate what happened ( ... )


bigboobedcanuck November 2 2013, 19:51:22 UTC
It is seeing the chemistry between Dylan O'Brien and Tyler Hoechlin and fucking RUNNING with it. They have 'fans' because people see and respond to that chemistry. Who cares that it wasn't in your plan? Who cares that it came out of the blue? Freaking USE it, man. I get that it's two guys and that it's not what you imagined for them, but it happened. Embrace it!

THIS. So much! When you strike gold, you don't continue mining for nickel. Great example with DC, and it was the same with Veronica Mars. Duncan was designed to be her OTP, but they realized the chemistry with V and Logan could not be contained and it would be stupid to deny it. The whole show changed midway through S1 because of it.

And yeah, a universe without homophobia is swell. Danny's swell! But LGBT characters on TV (with only a couple of exceptions, including Glee) are teritary characters. They are still not leads. Why not? Why on earth not? Especially on a show with a young, accepting audience. What is stopping them ( ... )


Hijacking the thread mech_bull November 2 2013, 20:07:47 UTC
Who cares that it wasn't in your plan? Who cares that it came out of the blue? Freaking USE it, man. I get that it's two guys and that it's not what you imagined for them, but it happened. What's funny is Jeff Davis did exactly this, or how else can you explain Allison and Isaac becoming something more? So, he'll run with chemistry when it produces unexpected het relationships but ( ... )


Re: Hijacking the thread bigboobedcanuck November 2 2013, 20:39:00 UTC
I suppose it's possible Jeff has always planned on another werewolf getting into a love triangle with Allison and Scott, but yeah, it seems rather unlikely he planned Allison/Isaac.

I agree about Jeff and Stiles, and his refusal to abandon course with Stydia. I don't even mind Stydia since at least it's been a slow build. Holland and Dylan are cute together, although granted, Dylan has chemistry with the door.

It's interesting what Jeff said about the majority of fans not even knowing what Sterek is. It's true that we live in a fandom bubble to a certain extent. But even if they don't know, it doesn't mean they'd be opposed to it. (And even if they were -- he's not out to meet fan desires, heh.) I just feel like chemistry should be capitalized on when it happens. It's pretty rare to really have magic between two characters/actors.

the first person who's actually willing to go there with two "read-as-straight" leading/major characters based solely on chemistry and fan interest is going to be amazing and pretty much a god among ( ... )


Re: Hijacking the thread parkergray November 3 2013, 01:00:48 UTC
I don't particularly mind the Stylia (though I do mind that ship name), but that's more because Dylan has chemistry with, you know, everyone and he is, far and away, the best actor in the cast. You tell him, pretend to have a crush on her - done. It just seems like a colossal waste to not take advantage of the Sterek chemistry.

And my real problem is this - stop fucking talking about Sterek if you're not going to go there. I know that he gets questions, but instead of hemming and hawwing and being a total jackass, he should just say, 'Yeah, it's not going to happen.' And once you do that, don't try to get us to vote for you in a TV Guide poll and don't tease us with bloopers and all the other things you've been doing. I know that fandom proper is not a huge part of the overall fandom, but stop using us. We're used to doing our own little thing.


Re: Hijacking the thread bigboobedcanuck November 4 2013, 16:41:02 UTC


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