What the actual fuck?

May 15, 2013 16:42

So I've been reading the Sookie Stackhouse books for ages, long before True Blood. (Funny to look back at this post from 2008 about the upcoming show and also the 90210 reboot. What a disappointment both turned out to be! I'll keep watching TB as long as Skarsgard is on it, but I've been FFing through most of it for seasons.

Anyway. I've had the last two Sookie books sitting on my shelf for two years and just didn't care enough to read them. But since the final book is out I figured I'd just go through all three. Then I spoiled myself for the ending.

Okay, so Sookie ends up with Sam. Meh. Whatever? I was firmly Team Bill until the TV show and Stephen Moyer ruined him for me. How could I resist Skarsgard? Eric all the way. So she doesn't end up with Eric. Boo. But apparently Eric gets sold into sex slavery for the next 200 years?!?


What? How? Why? WHAT?? That's not cool. That really feels like a slap in the face. It feels like Eric got too popular because of the show and he's being punished. I could be completely wrong and I realize I shouldn't judge without reading the last three books, but SOLD INTO SEX SLAVERY FOR 200 YEARS? So...he'll be raped for centuries? That's not fucking cool. It's offensive on a bunch of levels, first and foremost the RAPE LEVEL. Jesus. Would that ever happen to a beloved female character? WTF. W.T.F.

I'll never understand why, when a fanbase LOVES a certain character, creators feel the need to punish us for it because we're not fanning the way they want us to. That's certainly what this feels like. Ugh.

true blood, let me tell you how i really feel, books

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