I’m behind on LJ comments (and my flist!), but I must announce to the world that I inhaled Teen Wolf S2. Very, very enjoyable! Great show to marathon since it’s like cotton candy. I mean that in a good way, heh.
If you have any fic recs or cute gifs or links to adorable cast shenanigans, I’m all ears eyes. Will take all fic pairings. I definitely see the appeal of Sterek, but am not feeling any strong shippy love for anyone. But am certainly open to any and all quality fic.
Well, I’m sure there was more than one thing that didn’t make sense, but unless I spaced out due to the large amount of sugar I was ingesting (oh, cookie dough ice cream - I can’t quit you!), why didn’t anyone tell Allison her mom was trying to MURDER SCOTT? I mean, Derek was saving him and only bit her in the course of that. I feel this was important information, y/y?
A few other random thoughts:
1. I really enjoy Peter Hale. He often makes me giggle. His reaction in S1 to both Scott’s username and pw being “Allison” was fabulous.
2. Stiles continues to be the best thing ev. His dad is also awesome.
3. I love Lydia! Holland is so pretty.
4. The first shot of shirtless and wet Scott in the new opening credits is so epically gay. Also enjoyed how they started the season with wet!Jackson in a ripped, see-through shirt. It really set the bar. :D
In conclusion, YAY TEEN WOLF. Good times. I don't really have deep thoughts and it hasn’t hit me in an obsessive way (so I highly doubt I’ll be writing any fic), but as I said I’m up for your recs, please and thank you! :)