This and that

Mar 06, 2012 10:34

This week's blog post is on ebooks and the rise of plagiarism. There have been some really interesting (and ballsy!) cases recently.


Eh, still not loving any of the teams. The federal agents are my faves, I suppose. Kentucky is doing well, and just needs to STOP YELLING ALL THE TIME. Still hate Big Brother, and was disappointed that Vanessa was indeed being petty and bitchy for no good reason. Although I suppose Rachel brings that out in people. God, she's so annoying. Also annoying are the border guards and their massive egos, especially the non-Hispanic guy. Ugh. I admit they smoked the challenges, but I'm ready for some humility. Army couple got lucky that the challenges were so hard.

And hard they were! I'm enjoying the difficulty factor this season. Not too sorry to see the twins go. Meh. They were fine, but too bickersome and whiny.

I caught up on the weekend and I really liked the last episode. The Karofsky stuff was well done. I'm meh on Finn and Rachel in general as a couple (and Finn especially as a character), and obviously I think this marriage is a huge mistake. Of course I knew as soon as they showed Quinn in her car that she was getting in an accident, since I've watched TV before. They did it well, though, as the impact still made me gasp even though I knew it was coming. Texting and driving, kids! Don't do it!

I'm not spoiled at all, so I have no idea if they actually have the stones to kill Quinn off. I think it would be cool if they did, actually. Poor Quinn. She was much more likable of late, which of course is the perfect time to kill her off., random tv, glee

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