Tee Vee -- Brit Edition

Dec 19, 2011 13:00

I finally watched Sherlock on the weekend, and I’m so glad I waited because it was amazeballs and now I only have a few weeks until S2 begins! I just wish BBC would give us more than three eps. Granted, they’re 90 minutes so it’s more like a series of TV movies. But I want moooore!

I was Googling to find the S2 premiere date before watching 103, and unfortunately the article I clicked on also had promo pics, including the fab Andrew Scott (Band of Brothers, the gay episode (202) of Garrow’s Law) as Moriarty. So I knew when he walked into the lab that he was the big bad. Le sigh. I would never have guessed, so that kind of sucked. He’s such a great actor. You’d barely recognize him from his GL ep to this because his manner is so different.

But still, the last ep was awesome. Ep 2’s mystery was a little meh, but I loved the mysteries in 1 and 3. I rewatched the whole pool scene three times. And eeeeeee, Sherlock being so worried about John and yanking the bomb coat off. Did I mention eeeeeeeeee? They are so OTP. I can’t wait to see more. And I can’t believe they ended it on a cliffhanger! Very cheeky, BBC, especially given the long-ass wait times between seasons.

Benedict and Martin have such great chemistry. So excited about this show!

Speaking of Garrow’s Law, my belated S3 thoughts:

OMG I cried so hard when Southouse died. :((((( And Garrow’s little speech on grief to the daughter of the dead guy in 304 was just perfect. Well played, Andrew. Well played.

So lovely to see the actor who played Dudley in the HP movies playing Southouse’s protoge. I like his character and he’s a good ally for Will and Sarah if the show continues. 304 was really satisfying and if it’s the end, I’m okay with it. I loved that Sarah realized she couldn’t live without Will either, and came back with Samuel. Sarah and Will are so great together. The way they convinced Arthur to give up Samuel was awesome. I couldn’t help but cheer for Arthur taking down Melville! Rupert Graves is so fab.

And although it was a very satisfying end if it’s over, I would love another season! Or five, considering how short these seasons are. Great acting, characters and stories, and I love the cinematography as well. My fave shot of the season was when Sarah was inconsolable over Samuel, and Will was helpless to do anything.

Hope to see more in 2012!

andrew buchan, garrow's law, sherlock

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