It’s been unseasonably cold the past couple of days, and today is grey and rainy and lord, did I not want to get up! But I rarely want to get up, I confess. Hope everyone had a good weekend!
This week’s blog at my website is on
saying yes to gay YA and how GLBTQ characters are needed in YA lit of all genres. It's disheartening that in 2011 an agent would ask authors to make a gay character straight, or suggest that perhaps he could come out in the third book once readers get to know him. Because if they knew he was gay right away they wouldn't like him, right? I think youth aren't getting enough credit. It's like how Hollywood often panders to the lowest common denominator.
TAR has been great so far this season! Nice tricky new twists.
Honestly, I would like to say I would have read that sign -- and I probably would have, because I always read stuff -- but in that situation, who knows? You're tired, you're rushing, and you're not expecting it. I likely would have thought it was info about the orphanage and would have read it because I love reading plaques on buildings and stuff like that. Props to the teams that actually did read it -- including the strippers showgirls! I actually like them a lot, especially Kaylani.
I was sorry to see Ethan and Jenna go so soon. I always liked them, especially him. It's sweet they're still together, and I'm really glad his cancer is in remission.