I hate Future Shop so, so much. The service is so spectacularly shitty. Not only did no one come over to ask if they could help (and my friend and I were examining Blu Ray players for a good 10 minutes), but there were three Samsung 5300 players on the bottom shelf with no price, and no corresponding floor model, etc. So we finally called someone over and asked how much the player was, and his voice is dripping with condescension when he points to the price tag on another Samsung and says it's $179. We're like, No, that's the 5500. This is the 5300. So he goes to look it up and it's not even in the system, but eventually he coughs up a price of $169. I ask him why there's no tag or floor model, and he says, "Oh, we're adding it tonight." Uh huh. He didn't even know it was a different model! No way are you getting my commission, pal.
If anyone has any recs for a BR player with a USB port and AVI capability, please share! :)
A little puzzled by the consternation about
Gale Harold getting cast in The Secret Circle. It's Kevin Williamson, and Britt Robertson and Thomas Dekker are great. If it's anywhere near as fun and engaging as Vampire Diaries, Gale Harold should count himself lucky to be involved! It's not as if he can just hand pick projects.
Sure, it might suck, but it also could be awesome. Vampire Diaries is consistently one of the most entertaining shows on TV, and the CW is doubtlessly eager to duplicate its model of success. So we'll see. I'm sure he's happy to have the job, since I presume his Hellcats role will not go past this season.