A few thoughts on a Saturday night

Dec 11, 2010 20:08

While I really like every single character on The Vampire Diaries, I think Caroline has become my absolute favourite. Well, her and Jeremy. (Don't make me choose!) I really enjoyed Caroline last season, but this season? She's just the best. I love, love, LOVE her scenes with Tyler. Speaking of Tyler, Michael Trevino is killing it.

The transformation stuff was heart-wrenching! So intense. The video last week with Mason was really gutting, and watching Tyler go through it actually brought me to tears. I really like that they didn't just make turning into a werewolf easy peasy, the way it's normally portrayed.

While I still love Matt and really enjoyed Matt/Caroline, Caroline/Tyler is just so compelling. Especially given that vamps and weres are normally mortal enemies. I was happy Jeremy mentioned Tyler, and I hope that means they'll have more scenes.

I feel bad for Zach Roerig and Sara Canning. Their characters hardly get to do anything except act clueless, and that must be really, really boring. (I mean, I'm sure they're happy for the paycheques, but compared to what everyone else gets to do...) I hear what TPTB are saying about needing some characters that aren't in on the supernatural secrets, but it marginalizes them so much. And again, if Jenna knew that there were evil vamps after Elena, she wouldn't be so quick to keep inviting strangers into the house. :| At this point it really makes no sense not to tell Jenna at least.

Okay, when Elena finds out she's trapped in the house, I swear Katerina said "It's for your own good, Nina." Obviously she was supposed to say "Elena," but it really sounds like "Nina" to me. Am I crazy? (Well, crazier?)


I watched last week's ep of Friday Night Lights yesterday and enjoyed it thoroughly. I'm not as invested in The New Class as I was in the original kids, and Julie's exploits at college aren't riveting me, but I still love my show v.v. much. Vince, Jess and Luke are my faves, although I've enjoyed Becky a lot more this season. Also, great casting on Buddy Jr.

I'm so thrilled to have five seasons. The little show that could is always a joy to watch, and I have such love and affection for it. *draws fangirly hearts*


I went to see Harry Potter for the second time today and loved it as much as the first, if not more. So rich and compelling; the quiet calm before the storm. Part of me is just dying to see the next part, but the other part is happy to wait, because I don't want it to be over.

harry potter, vampire diaries, movies, fnl

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