Luke/Reid Fic: "Luke and Reid Go to P-town," NC-17, 3/3

Sep 26, 2010 18:37

In honour of my beloved susanderavish's birthday, here's the final (for now, at least) chapter of Luke and Reid's visit to Provincetown. Very NC-17. Happy birthday, SDV! xoxo

Thanks to mcfeste for the excellent beta, as always.

Part one
Part two

As night falls, Luke and Reid stroll back into town. Luke seems to delight in the simple act of holding hands, swinging their arms happily, and Reid certainly doesn’t have any complaints. He tries to remember the last time he actually held hands with a boyfriend, or even just a date. He comes up blank. With Luke, it feels like he’s doing everything for the first time.

One of the first restaurants they come across is an unassuming little place called Lorraine’s. Luke peers at the menu. “I heard the concierge recommend this to another guest. It’s Mexican. Looks good to me.”

After a day in the sun and a lot of sex, Reid is starving. “Anything to prevent my blood sugar from plummeting any farther.”

The place is crowded, but they luck out and only have to wait a few minutes for a booth. The ambiance is pleasant, the room fairly dim and buzzing with conversation. Tea lights flicker on the tables and dark wood surrounds them.

The back of the drink menu lists hundreds of varieties of tequila to choose from for custom margaritas. As Reid scans the selection, he whistles. “Impressive.”

Luke glances up from the food menu. “Wow, is that all tequila?”

“Yep.” Reid can practically taste it, but he puts the menu down and picks up the dinner listings. “Everything looks amazing. What are you getting?”

“I can’t decide between the paella española and the carnitas enchiladas. Wanna split the crab cakes to start?”

“Sure. I’m going for the blackened tuna soft shell tacos.”

The waiter arrives with warm chips and salsa, and takes their orders. “And to drink?”

Reid’s mouth is already full, and one of the chips pokes his throat as he swallows without chewing enough. “Ginger ale. Thanks.” Reid hands the menus to the waiter and scoops up more salsa as Luke asks for a Coke.

When Reid glances up again, tearing himself away from the food, Luke is staring, a strange expression on his face. It’s not a happy one. “Why aren’t you getting a margarita?”

Reid shrugs. “Don’t feel like it.”

“Don’t lie to me. Remember how you’re really bad at it?”

He doesn’t want to have this conversation, not now. “Luke, this isn’t a big deal.”

“You didn’t have a beer at the Tea Dance either.” Luke appears to be scanning back through memories in his mind. “You haven’t had a drink around me in weeks.”

“So? What’s the problem?”

“The problem is that you like beer. And you were drooling over the million varieties of tequila on that menu. Yet you’re drinking soda. You don’t have to do that. It doesn’t bother me when you drink.”

“Well, it bothers me.”

“Why? You think I’m so weak that I’ll guzzle your leftovers the second you leave me unattended?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You’re the furthest thing from weak, Luke.”

“Okay, so why? People drink around me all the time! Look around us.” Luke waves his arm. “Booze on every table. Some days are harder than others, but most of the time I don’t even think about it. So you don’t have to do this. You’ve drank in front of me plenty of times.”

“That was before.”

“Before what?”

Reid sighs and struggles to find the right words. “Before this.” He waves his hand between them. “Before…us.”

Luke softens. “You don’t have to change who you are and the things you like to do.”

“I’m not changing who I am. It’s not as if I’ll never have another drink. But when I’m with you, I don’t want it on my breath. On my tongue. I don’t want...I don't want you to kiss me and taste something you can’t have.”

“Reid.” Luke peers at him with infinite tenderness. He leans across the table and presses their lips together. “Have I mentioned that I love you?” he whispers.

The waiter clears his throat. “One Coke and one ginger ale.”

They sit back, and Luke smiles. “That’s us.”


Sated and with very full stomachs, Reid and Luke amble along Commercial Street, hand in hand once more.

“What’re you smiling about?”

Reid realizes he’s grinning like an idiot. “Nothing. Good food always makes me happy.”

Luke is about to reply when something catches his eye. His face lights up. “Oh my God, we have to go!”

The street is busy, many people out enjoying the warm, clear night. After a group of laughing teenaged boys shuffle along, Reid spots the multi-coloured sign. MISS RICHFIELD 1981 IN BINGO BONANZA!

Luke actually bounces. “I’ve always wanted to see a drag show!” He checks his watch. “It’s starting in ten minutes. Come on!”

Reid remains rooted to the spot.

“Come on.” Luke tugs Reid’s hand. “It’ll be fun.”

For a moment, Reid weighs his hatred for any kind of comedy show with Luke’s exuberance. He sighs and allows Luke to lead him to the ticket booth. The show takes place in a small former movie theatre and they’re given large bingo cards as they go in. Reid slouches slightly in his seat and hopes to go unnoticed.

Miss Richfield 1981 is a tall, leggy brunette who has the biggest mouth Reid has ever seen. She’s loud and obnoxious and very, very funny. Much to his surprise, Reid finds himself laughing so hard at her off-colour jokes that his side actually aches. He’s laughed more in one day in P-town than in a month in Oakdale. Luke is in hysterics beside him, and Reid is actually glad they came.

That is until Miss Richfield 1981’s manic gaze lights on him.

The drag queen’s current outfit is a dress that doubles as a bingo ball holder, with an inverted wire frame around her midsection covered by sheer material. The balls jumble around her.

“I need someone to grab my balls!” She looks right at Reid, who lowers his head, suddenly very interested in the bingo card in his lap.

“Well, who do we have here?” she exclaims, zeroing in on him like a missile.

“His name’s Reid. He’s shy,” Luke pipes up.

“Traitor,” Reid mutters. To Miss Richfield, he manages a smile. “Hello.”

“Tell everywhere where you’re from and what you do.” She thrusts the microphone in front of Reid’s face. “And stand up. I don’t bite. Much.”

As the audience laughs merrily, Reid forces himself to his feet. “I’m from…Oakdale, Illinois.” It’s strange to say that out loud, but it’s the truth now.

“Never heard of it.”

“Not surprising. It’s a small, hellish place.” Reid glances at Luke. “Albeit with some redeeming features.”

Miss Richfield coos. “Aww, young love!” The audience applauds. “Well, one of you is young, at least. And what do you do for a living, Rick?”


“Okay, Steve. Let me guess. You’re…an English professor.”


“A garbage man?”


“Sorry, I meant sanitation engineer.”

Reid can only laugh. “I prefer waste management technician, actually.”

“Well, I think you should come up on stage and take a look at my junk! I mean, pull my balls. What do you think, ladies and gentlemen?”

Luke hoots and hollers along with the rest of the crowd and Reid climbs the small stage to join the “sensible gal” Miss Richfield has already brought on stage to help record bingo numbers. As he plucks bingo balls from inside Miss Richfield’s dress and reads out the numbers, he plans in great detail all the ways he’s going to make Luke pay.


When Reid wakes the next morning, the warmth of the sun heats his skin and Luke nuzzles his throat, his lips soft. They kiss and stretch and kiss some more, in no hurry at all.

Under the spray of the shower, they wash each other languidly, fingers massaging hair, moist skin sliding together. Luke hums contentedly and Reid presses him back against the tile, lifting Luke’s arms overhead and catching his wrists together as he trails the bar of scented soap down his chest.

There’s a hitch in Luke’s breathing, and his half-hard cock swells. Reid circles the soap over Luke’s nipples and tightens the grip on his wrists. Luke’s eyes darken and desire flares in Reid, all sleepiness vanished.

“Have you ever been tied up?” The question is rhetorical, since Reid knows there’s no way in hell the barista was adventurous enough for bondage.

Luke shakes his head, tongue darting out to lick his lips.

“But you like the idea.”

His answer is little more than a shaky exhale. “Yes.”

Reid lets the soap slip from his grasp, and it lands with a thud on the bottom of the tub. He stretches up and takes one of Luke’s wrists in each hand as he leans against him. “You’d be helpless. I could do…anything.”

Luke moans, his cock now rock hard and pressing into Reid’s belly. “Please.” He jerks his head forward, seeking Reid’s mouth with his own.

As they kiss and rub against each other, Reid marvels at how exciting it is to be with Luke. How a lazy morning can turn on a dime and suddenly become all fire and need and wanting. He pulls away with a groan and tugs Luke out of the shower, their skin still soapy.

Behind Luke now, he propels him to the bedroom and stops at the foot of the bed. His arms wrap around, fingers skimming over Luke’s chest as he whispers in his ear. “How do you imagine it?”

Luke is practically panting already. “Face down. Bent over something. Exposed.”

Reid grinds his hardness against Luke’s firm ass. “Don’t move.”

After piling up a few pillows in the middle of the bed, Reid returns to the bathroom and yanks the belts from their terrycloth robes. Luke’s shivering with anticipation, and Reid pushes firmly on his back. “Down.”

Luke obeys, getting on his knees on the mattress and leaning over the pillows, his ass up in the air. Without being told, he extends his arms out toward the top corners of the bed. Reid’s throat goes dry from the sight of Luke spread out and waiting for him. Open and vulnerable. Wanton.

Reid loops the soft belts over Luke’s wrists in turn, securing them to the bed posts with enough slack so he can still rest most of his arms on the mattress. Luke is already humping the pillows, clearly desperate for pressure on his cock. His ass is presented so perfectly, and Reid licks his hole, tasting him as he did the night before.

He could eat Luke’s ass all day, but he knows Luke wants to be fucked. After pulling himself away with a great deal of effort, Reid grabs the lube and a condom. He slicks himself and probes Luke’s hole with greased fingers. Luke is still so tight, and Reid doesn’t want to hurt him, so he goes slowly.

Luke writhes beneath his touch, arms tugging at his restraints. “Reid.”

“Hmm?” Reid can’t help but smile.

“Fuck me. Please.”

Reid rubs his knuckle over Luke’s gland, and as Luke vibrates, he pulls his fingers out and pushes inside with his cock, gripping Luke’s hips tightly. Luke moans loudly and lifts his ass to meet Reid’s thrust. It’s like Reid’s enclosed in the sweetest fire, pleasure in every nerve as he enters Luke steadily until he’s in all the way. He leans over and kisses Luke’s neck.

His movements are shallow at first, and Reid’s thighs quiver as he struggles to stay in control. He presses against just the right spot on both the up and down strokes, and Luke gasps and groans, the sound going right to Reid’s cock.

“Harder.” Luke presses his cheek to the mattress, his lips parted as he breathes heavily. “Fuck me harder.”

Although Reid wants nothing more than to let go, he hesitates.

Luke’s arms strain and he squeezes down on Reid’s cock with his ass. “Want it. Need it.”

Reid pulls back and rams into Luke, who shudders and closes his eyes, a moan on his lips. Reid’s careful not to go too far, but he pounds Luke as hard as he dares, breathing harshly as he rocks in and out, driving home deeply.

Luke is lost in bliss, moaning Reid’s name as Reid takes him, plunging in and out. Reid spreads Luke’s thighs wider, opening him up more than ever before. Luke tugs on his restraints, arms taut, as he chants under his breath, “Yes, yes, yes.”

With an open palm, Reid slaps one side of Luke’s ass. Luke cries out, and as the loud smack of Reid’s other hand on the other ass cheek fills the air, Luke comes, shouting his ecstasy as he shakes and grips Reid’s cock.

Reid pumps faster, his balls tightening as he seeks his own release. His fingers tangle in Luke’s hair as the pleasure explodes, and he gasps as he pulses into the condom, the wave crashing outward over every inch of his body.

He collapses over Luke’s back and presses open-mouthed kisses to Luke’s shoulders. He’s been with men who knew much more, but it’s never been so good. Never. “You’re amazing,” he murmurs.

Luke is panting beneath him, and he sighs happily in reply. Reid knows he has to pull out and clean up, and he regretfully moves, pressing a parting kiss to Luke’s back. When he returns from the bathroom, Luke is, of course, as he left him, ass in the air, arms spread and restrained. Reid drinks in the sight.

A sated, delighted smile plays on Luke’s lips as Reid slides the pillows out and tugs at the knots in the belts to free him. Luke turns onto his side and they face each other as Reid stretches out beside him. He takes Luke’s hands, pressing light kisses to his wrists, which are only slightly reddened.

“Thank you,” Luke whispers.

“It was my pleasure, in case you didn’t notice.”

Darkness flickers across Luke’s face, and Reid draws him closer. “What? Does it hurt? Tell me.” He caresses Luke’s ass lightly. “Too much?”

Luke shakes his head. “Thank you for not thinking I’m, you know. A pervert or something.”

Sometimes Reid hates Noah Mayer so much it’s like he’s choking on it. He takes a deep breath and blows it out slowly. When he can speak, his tone is playful. “Oh, you’re definitely a pervert.” He smiles and kisses the tip of Luke’s nose. “And I love it.”

Luke laughs, a blush creeping up his face. “I’ve always had these fantasies and I thought…I don’t know. That maybe I was weird.”

Reid trails his fingertips down Luke’s spine. “Oh, I can think of a million things I’d like to do to you. And have you do to me.”

Luke’s eyes widen just a tiny bit. “I want to do it all, Reid.”

“We will.” He kisses Luke and inches back, their lips still brushing. “Thank you for trusting me.”

“Always,” Luke breathes.

Reid smiles. “You know, I was going to exact my revenge today for what happened last night.”

“Oh, you mean when Miss Richfield made you-”

Reid puts his finger to Luke’s mouth. “Don’t say it. It’s bad enough that it actually happened.” He traces Luke’s lips. “But you’ve already had a spanking, so perhaps I’ll let you off the hook.”

If possible, Luke blushes even deeper than before. “That was…I liked it. A lot. God, I came so hard, Reid.”

Even though he should be completely spent, desire flickers to life, and Reid rolls his hips against Luke’s. Then his stomach rumbles loudly, and they both laugh. “Hold that thought. First, we eat.”

“Breakfast in bed sounds good.”

Reid thinks it sounds like paradise.


Commercial Street teems with people, the stores doing a steady business. In the late afternoon heat, a homemade ice cream shop has a line out the door. Luke and Reid join the end of the line, and Reid drapes his arm over Luke’s shoulders. He also glares just a bit at the guy checking Luke out. Luke, utterly oblivious, leans into Reid.

Normally, Reid hates waiting. He gets impatient when there’s one person ahead of him at the ATM, or the drive-thru. But in Provincetown, it strangely doesn’t bother him. Standing there, with Luke warm against his side, the ocean air tangy and fresh as he breathes deeply, Reid thinks he could wait all day.

Luke chooses pistachio, and Reid decides on a waffle cone with peanut butter chocolate. Fingers entwined, they stroll past the shops and restaurants to where Commercial Street curves along the water and becomes residential and tranquil.

They pass immaculate gardens and peek into the houses. There is no sidewalk on the ocean side of the street, and they amble very close to some of the homes that don’t have front yards.

“Wow. Look at the view from this one.” Luke points to the next house. Set back a bit, with a front garden and walkway, the two-storey home has a large bay window in the kitchen on the street side, and they can see all the way through to the water through a corresponding window on the other side of the house.

A For Sale sign stands near the front path. Luke muses, “Wonder how much this place goes for.” He has a faraway look in his eyes that Reid has never seen before.

Just then, the front door opens and a perky blonde woman leads a couple out of the home. Her gaze lands on Luke and Reid, and she smiles brightly. “Hello! Are you interested in the house? It’s an amazing property.”

Luke smiles. “Oh, no. Thank you, but we were just looking.”

“Actually, we are interested.” Reid shrugs at Luke’s surprised glance. “Might as well get a tour.”

They follow the agent inside, and she shows them the main floor with airy kitchen, dining and living rooms, and a small bathroom. A large wooden deck opens up through a sliding door from the living room, with privacy on both sides thanks to well-planted trees. The view of the bay is spectacular, and Reid can see where a pathway leads down to the water below.

Upstairs are three bedrooms and two baths. The master bedroom, with its own huge bay window overlooking the water, has an adjoining bathroom with a deluxe shower featuring a bench and multiple shower heads, and a separate whirlpool tub built for two.

“I’ll just give you some time to look around and discuss.” The agent smiles, and goes back downstairs.

Luke stands by the window in the bedroom. “Imagine waking up to his view? It would be amazing.”

Reid isn’t looking at the bay. He’s looking at Luke, and the way he glows in this house. “So let’s do it.”

Luke laughs. “Do what?”

“Buy the house. We can come a few times a year.”

“Sure, sure. We’re going to buy a house in P-town.” Luke is still laughing. “Come on, we shouldn’t waste the agent’s time.” He turns to go.

“I’m serious.” Reid catches Luke’s arm. “You inherited a fortune, didn’t you?”

Luke frowns slightly. “Yeah, but that’s for the foundation.”

“When was the last time you bought something for yourself?”

“I don’t know. I don’t really think about it.”

“You deserve something that’s just for you. Well, for me, too. We’ll go fifty/fifty. It’ll be…for us.”

Luke’s smile is incredulous. “You want to buy a house with me? You want to buy a house together? Here?”

“Yeah. I do. Let’s go make an offer. I don’t care how much it costs. It’s worth it.” He snags a finger through the belt loop of Luke’s jeans and pulls him close. “Let’s wake up here as often as we can. I haven’t taken vacation in years. I’m due some weekends.”

“Seriously?” Luke is so hopeful.

“Completely. When I see something I want, I go after it.”

Luke grins and gazes around excitedly. “Oh my God, can you imagine how amazing it’ll be to have our own house here to visit whenever we want?”

Reid nods. “Mmm. And we should look into getting our own place in Oakdale, too.”

“That would be great.” Luke can’t seem to stop smiling. He wraps his arms around Reid’s waist. “So, I guess it turns out that-”

Reid kisses him soundly, Luke’s face between his hands. “Yes, Luke. I love P-town.”

luke/reid fic, team reid

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