Mar 03, 2003 03:28
I hear I might be getting taken to the vet. I'm not sure when, but I just heard the words "Kasch" and "vet" in the same sentance. That was NOT cool. And in two more days I have to take my heartworm medication. I hate that stuff, but they said it'll keep me from getting heartworms, so that's good, I guess. I just hate having pills shoved down my throat.
And my special treatment has returned. *deep breath* I thought my Mom had gotten tired of me. But, luckily, she didn't. That's a relief.
I'm a little sad because I also heard Mom's grandma say something about having Casey put to sleep... Mom explained it. I don't understand it, but I guess I can see why they'd make that choice... Casey is almost all blind, he can't hear well, and he's just getting slower, and worse. I haven't known him that long. I've been here, what? Four months? But, I've grown quite attached to him. It saddens me, and hurts to think that I'd never see the old dog, again. In this new family, who'd have guessed I'd experience a death so early? I'm not saying they're getting him put to sleep any time soon, but they said they'll make one last trip to Casey's vet, and see what the vet thinks. Then they'll make their decision.
Change of subject. On Breed All About It (which comes on Animal Planet), WHY won't they play one about Boxers? Or Pit Bulls? Or Miniature Pinschers? Or Cocker Spaniels? I seen one about Mastiffs, Bull Terriers (which Mom is completely in love with, by the way), things like that... But none about the ones I mentioned. I should go find the people at Animal Planet, and kill them. Then I'll run Animal Planet.
Um. Done.