"When an animal is used to test medicines, it is for the good of people who do not have to endure the test. It is for the good of people, that we kill animals for meat. When animals are killed for the sole purpose of looking pretty and selling art, things have been taken much too far."
Though I will not copy the remainder of the post, my friend,
andy_deschain has posted an entry about an artist/photographer named Nathalia Edenmont in Sweden who kills and dismembers/mutilates animals for the sole purpose of creating her photography. While I do not object to the use of animals as educational tools, or medical necessities... I do object to the disposal of animal lives simply for the purpose of photography. When she can provide some measurable (and I don't mean monetary) evidence that her art makes the world a much better place and benefits mankind, I will stop talking about it. Check out andy's post.
andy_deschain's post her art her justification the petition against her [work]