Feb 07, 2005 17:41
so this is my last lj entry. Its just too easy to use this journal thing for personal attacks or just general childishness and dammit its just gotten me into more trouble than its worth.
Besides, the old christie was rabid about updating. Since new years, though, this just really isnt all that important to me anymore.
Speaking of which, new outlooks on life are fantastic... I highly recommend getting yourself one....
i'm not sure how one would go about finding one though. i just know mine was brought about by a new year and the end of an unhealthy friendship.
Who wouldve guessed? The end of that friendship was good for me and i have a feeling that its been quite good for her too. and for that i'm glad for both of us.
I now have more good friends, I'm happier, and just all around a better person. Once I stopped letting every little thing get to me it was like:
*POOF* christie's happy.
I was so desperately UNhappy for such a long time I forgot how much FUN people and just life in general can be. I was shitty to so many people that i know just about everyone had ruled me out as a crazy bitch.....
but i'm kinda glad about that. because a good number of my friends were from the same place... and i've realized that some people, some situations, hell, some towns are just toxic for other people ... in this case its me... pretty much anything related to my past (with a couple of exceptions) is just bad for me to be around. and thats ok.
I was clinging to people who I really didnt like all that much because they were comfortable. We shared a hometown and quite a few good times. But i forgot that people grow up, they change.
hell, i know i've changed. but i didnt want anyone else to and thats just kinda stupid.
Basically, I'm just saying that even though Temple is a horrible place for me to be, and I dont like most of the people from there..... thats ok. Every Templite on this planet can go on and do their thing and I truly wish them the best of luck. Its just all a part of my past, but definitely no longer my present.
I love and hate that place and just about everyone from it.
And to those who i've been shitty to, i apologize. i know i was a bitch but hey, what can ya do.
Good job christie.... you finally grew up.
anyway, i actually have a date in a little while so i gotta finish this up (did i mention that somehow i managed to find myself a man in this process too?)....
and i know this is kinda retarded because i talk to most of the people who read this and they already know most of this information but i just needed to get it all out, i suppose. when you write things it just feels good, ya know?
this was supposed to just be a goodbye, livejournal but now its a huge long thing. ah well.
goodbye, lj.
ps- mardi gras was THE FUNNEST WEEKEND OF MY LIFE. and happy birthday to me on wednesday!