[Recycle] Untitled

Nov 23, 2008 04:16

Working title: [Recycle] I just call it Vincent!mission fic, but I don't think that works so well...
Author: variable_a (journal I use for authorship)
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Compilation (this is pre- any of the games, by about oh thirty-five years at least)
Genre: Action, Adventure
Warnings: Language, violence, gore if you want to put it in--Turk mission fic so... Due to the time occurence nature of this fic you will have to work mainly with OCs for the supporting cast.
Pairings: I had none in mind, but if you want to throw some in go for it
Characters: Vincent, Veld
General plotline/storyline: Turks on a mission. Set at the least thirty-five years prior to the original game when Vincent was a young Turk and partnered with Veld (you might want to know a bit of Before Crisis for this just so you know who Veld is).
Author's notes: I didn't write much in the way of actual prose for this, but I did map out the main points of the plot (i.e. the mission factors). If you don't want to follow them, want to switch them up, take out this, keep that, ect, be my guest. I've got a few so I will place them under an lj-cut.

I want to start off saying I started this fic wanting to showcase Vincent as a Turk doing a Turk's work, not as a weepy emo kid crying in the corner over girls. Missions are all about being badass.

- John Metrice: A scientist working in the study of materia back in the days when materia was rare (not being mass-produced yet) and not quite understood. He discovered how to Master materia (i.e. bring it to the master level like in the original game) and ShinRa Co. approached him wanting to recruit him. He refused and fled to the growing empire of Gongaga, lending them his knowledge in an effort to bring down the hated and feared ShinRa Co. Unbeknownst to ShinRa Co., Metrice has actually discovered the way to mass-produce materia and is instructing the Gongaga forces in the building of reactors for just this (I was thinking his way would kind of be like how the Big Materia are made in the original game, which is far less refined than the way they're made in Crisis Core).

- Mayor Dalt Brunning: Mayor of Gongaga, voted into office a handful of years prior to the time of the fic, he built Gongaga up from a poverty town at the consequence of her neighbors (who had formerly been taking advantage of Gongaga themselves by cutting off trade routes unless Gongaga sold its harvest at less than market value). Not satisfied with merely increasing the economic state of Gongaga, he built of a military and took over the neighboring towns. In true dictator fashion he pressed the able bodied and useful of those towns into service as well and began reaching ever outward to control more towns. Basically he is building his own empire though he's still only officially the Mayor of Gongaga. He is deeply opposed to ShinRa Co. whose SOLDIER forces (just normal elite SOLDIERS as this is before the discovery of JENOVA; they're just really well-trained and equipped, far better than anyone else's troops certainly) have been stamping out warring country after warring country, bringing peace and forcibly indebting everyone to ShinRa. ShinRa Co. poses the biggest threat to his budding empire and he's seeking an edge over the company.

- The Mission: Veld and Vincent are sent to retrieve Metrice who is taking refuge in Gongaga. While they're there assassinating Brunning and reconnaisance for any technology Metrice might have put in Gongaga's hands are other objectives on the agenda, though the main one is retrieving Metrice.

- Extra: I intended to have sporadic flashbacks to Vincent's past to sort of illustrate how he got into the Turks, his strained relationship with his father Dr. Grimoire Valentine and just his somewhat lonely, cut-off upbringing as a kid in ShinRa Co. whose sole parent (I didn't retcon him a mother, but if you want to go for it!) is a workaholic and probably leaves him sitting outside the lab door all day waiting to go on an outting for ice cream that never happens. (This explains the beginning of the bit I did write) If you'd rather keep it a straight up Turk!mission fic, by all means do.

A/N: Cleo is the secretarial Turk who hands out mission assignments I made up for this (if you don't like him you can cut him out certainly).

The first time he killed he dropped the gun afterwards. Veld picked it up and placed it back in his trembling fingers. "Don't drop your weapon next time," the older boy said. He didn't drop his gun next time.


"Valentine! Get your head out of your ass! I'm talking to you!" Vincent looked away from the window with uncaring eyes. Cleo took the cigarette from his lips and threw it in the wastebasket. "That's going to start a fire," Vincent observed. "You can put it out with your face then," Cleo snapped, frustration dripping from every inch of his body, despite the dressy business suit the man wore. "No smoking in the office!"

"The President smokes in the office," Vincent pointed out, leaning back against a desk. "He's the President. He's allowed to break the rules. Stop being purposely obtuse," Veld said calmly next to him. They were partners. A Turk's partner was his best friend. Closer than siblings. Veld and Vincent got along so poorly it was a wonder either ever came back from missions. But they did. And they always succeeded.

Vincent feigned disinterest and didn't deign to answer Veld's comment. Cleo sighed. He handed the pair two folders, one for each. In the past they'd proven to have a problem with sharing mission papers. Making two copies of everything just simplified matters. "John Metrice is the foremost leading scientist on materia, particularly its combat uses. He was offered a position in the Science Department. He refused."

Cleo paused to make sure the pair were paying attention. Veld was attentive, soaking in every word. Vincent stared out the window in a daze of boredom. Well, at least Valentine's eyes were still open instead of closed in sleep. "Instead Metrice fled to the country of Gongaga. He's now working for Mayor Brunning," Cleo continued with a mental sigh. Briefing these two was always a chore. "Brunning has a sizable standing army. With Metrice's knowledge of materia, he'll pose a serious a threat to ShinRa."

"This sounds like a job for PR," Vincent murmured, still gazing out the window. "Brunning's not going to be appeased by a 'peace' campaign, Valentine," Cleo snapped. "Not after that last one ended with Maria Munetch being assassinated in the middle of the parade."

"Though technically the assassin's were her own people, Cleo's right. If the campaign could even get Brunning to consider peace in the first place," Veld demurred. Vincent shrugged. "So assassinate him," the young Turk uncaringly suggested.

"Ah, I see your intelligence is actually kicking in for once Valentine," Cleo announced scathingly. "That's precisely where you come in."

Vincent lolled his head to look at Cleo. "Do I look like a SOLDIER to you?" He asked in a drowsy voice. "No, you look like a Turk in need of a paycut," Veld suggested helpfully. Vincent went back to staring out the window. Cleo resisted the urge to massage his temples and perhaps prevent the headache that was beginning. This always happened. Vincent was hard enough to get to take a matter seriously. Always had to say some dumb comments trying to fob off the work first. Veld had a cutting reply every time. As soon as Veld said the slightest thing, Vincent was off again. Not paying attention, asking when he could leave, staring into space.

"You have several objectives for this mission," Cleo said with forced patience. "One is to assassinate Brunning. The second is to retrieve Metrice. The third is reconnaissance--find out how far along Gongaga is in outfitting their army with materia, where the materia's coming from and make sure they're holding no other secret weapons to send against ShinRa."

"Of course," Veld said. Vincent didn't respond at all. Cleo dismissed them both and swallowed two tylenol before calling in the next pair of Turks he had to brief.

If someone would like to pick this up that would be really lovely because it's been sitting in my journal for something over a year now and yet I think it's an interesting idea there needs to be more Turk!mission fic in the world.

final fantasy, recycle

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