Apr 15, 2013 21:41
I want to be cared about. I want to be around someone who cares about me. I don't have to have more than even one person one is plenty. Just one person who cared like she did in her own selfish way. 2 selfish people caring for each other in a selfish way. Life a week ago was better than life today and probably tomorrow. Still haven't slept in the bed or moved around the house. Just live in the living room all depressed and moody and unhappy and .....really really really sad. I would have to copy and paste on this thing for days to really express how sad this made me. Perhaps I didn't shield my had enough cause this is the second worst I have ever felt. I don't want to even like people just smile and make nice and keep everyone at a distance. They can't be relied upon anyway.
Stitches come out tomorrow....yay :(
Next time NO RELATIONSHIP I JUST WANT MY FRIEND TO BE MY FRIEND FOREVER. I loved my friend and hated my relationship. Anger right? typical thaddeus
Unselfishly: I do hope you find a greater happiness than I could give you.