the bed's too big without you

Aug 13, 2008 20:01

I really really needed to relax & chill. I went pretty psycho last night, regardless of my wonderful icon making (haha). I was just too stressed out. It was a "something's gotta give" kind of situation.

I'm better now. Sort of.

I really need a haircut. I might go for something a little longer than shoulder-length, I don't want to lose a lot of length. Hell, it takes a while for hair to get this long. But it's full of split ends, so I have to at least trim it to get those out. If anyone has any cute ideas, please do tell.


Who is your best friend:
I don't actually have one. I guess Jon is.

Who do you like?
Isn't it obvious?

Who is your mom?
Raquel~ but she hates her name.

Who owns your house?
The 'rents.

Who bought you the clothes youre wearing?
I bought my tshirt at an Arctic Monkeys concert almost a year ago~ <3 My parents bought the rest.

Who is at your house?
Dad & Grandpa. Mom's workin' overtime.

Who loves you?
My family & Jon.

Who said hey to you today?
Skittles boy gave me a call, then Jon.

Who was your ex-boyfriend?
I've had a couple. Most recent one is Thomas.


What town do you live in?
Um. Are you a stalker?

What are your pet peeves?
I have a bunch... I can't think of them though. Burping is one.

What are you wearing?
A pink Arctic Monkeys tee, skinny jeans, & my gray with pink converse.

What do your teeth look like?

What are you doing in an hour?

What is your middle name?
I don't have one. (For reals.)

What is your deepest secret?
Wow, wouldn't be a secret if I revealed it, would it?

What are you doing tomorrow?
Bluh. Nothing.

What is your boyfriends middle name?
Roger~ <3

What is in this for you?
It takes time. I've got a loooot of that shit to waste.

What is your fave thing to do?
Going to concerts or listening to music.

What are you sitting on?
A chair. Go figure.


Where are you right now?
At my parents' house.

Where were you at noon today?
I'd like to have been sleeping, but I was eating lunch & watching the Olympics.

Where is your toothbrush at?
In the bathroom.

Where do you sleep?
Either in Jon's bed, or my bed at home.

Where do you live?
I technically live at home with the 'rents, but I'm only here 1 or 2 nights in a row.

Where were you at 7pm yesterday?
Same place I am now.

Where is your boyfriend?
At his house, or at Brad's.

Where are your parents?
Mom is at work, Dad is downstairs.

Where do you keep your socks?
In a drawer. Banal questions...


When was your last kiss?
Yesterday outside the mall.

When are you getting a job?
I dunnooooo, quit asking!

When will you grow up?
In time, I'm sure.

When did you graduate?
Haven't graduated yet.

When are you going to stop taking surveys?
Boo, I dunno. When I have things to do or people to hang out with.

When is the last time you had a smoothie?
I don't like smoothies.

When are you getting married?
Don't ask me.


Why are you doing this?
I'm bored & lonely. Need something long to pass the time.

Why are you weird?
That's just how I am, get over it.

Why are you wearing what you are wearing?
Tshirt & jeans because I know I'm not going anywhere today or seeing anyone.

Why do you live where you do?
Not my choice really.


How do you fix your hair?
I use volumizing detangler when I let it down. Nothing if I put it up. Sometimes I use a curler, sometimes a straightener. I have a lot of choices.

How did you come up with the names for your kids?
I don't have kids.

How many hours do you spend on the computer?
All day if I'm at home, all day if I'm at Jon's and he's away. Not very much at all if Jon is home.

How many tv shows do you watch?
I watch Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, LOST, Aqua Teen Hunger Force... basically a lot of Adult Swim stuff.

How many sharpies do you own?
Not a lot, but you know.

How many times a day do you say I love you?
I don't have these stats all calculated in my head, sorry. Maybe a couple times a day.

survey, hair

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