Aug 29, 2006 15:09
I came across a little bit more information on PETA and its atrocities.... Its a statistical thing of course... but heres the numbers, just so you know.
From the second half of 1998 up till now Peta has received... (saved, in their terms), roughly around 17, 806 pets. Cats and Dogs mostly. They sent about 3,047 out for adoption, which means a little over 3000 puppies and kitties were saved by the group and given to good homes...(PETA is against pet ownership by the way), They transfered only 331... which means they transfered them out of PETA's organization into other places, such as shelters and human societies (another thing PETA is against, animal slavery behind bars.). The total percentage of successfully saved animals, comes to about 17%. What happened to the remaining 83%? PETA EUTHANIZED THEM! PETA, the save the animal radical organization which is against killing animals, EUTHANIZED 83% OF THE ANIMALS THEY SAVED. Killed them outright. Now... any normal, sane, animal loving person would agree.... That this group is fucking batshit insane.
I have made recent thoughts unto myself, lately... and these thoughts were of course triggered by stuff... but I also research on my own, and I'm not completely easily led by telivision. But anyways, its things that inspire me to fight. Inspire me to take up arms. I have a few agendas myself. And I will say this. PETA, ALF, ELF, Terrorists, Greenpeace, and advocates of the ESA.... I will do whatever I can to stop you and bring the truth to as many people as I can. Sure, I may be one man.... but so were so many others who turned the tides of battle, turned the hearts of their oppressors, and triumphed. Maybe other will agree with me, maybe not.... but dont be so easily led and misinformed. If something sounds to good to be true, it usually is. No big outfit like that is without sin, and these orginizations have it in truckloads.
So, heres my beef with each group individually.
PETA. Read my long rant previous to this, and you'll know. I cant stand hypocrites.
ALF/ELF. (Animal Liberation Front/Earth Liberation Front.) No good comes from murdering another person, bombing labs, and vandalizing property. This is stuff of savages and monsters. We are a civilized race, at least I hope we are. Sure, sometimes you have to throw fisticuffs once in a while, but everything can be settled through negotiations, and non violence. There are less threatening ways to get your point across. People do it every day, they go out on the streets, get petitions signed, and they continuously contact their government.
Terrorists. They are in the business of causing Terror, and they succeeded with 9 11. We have taken extreme measures to make sure something like this doesnt happen again, and it wont as long as people stand up for what they beleive in. Terrorist only succeed if you succumb to their terror. Cowering, hiding, and panicing every time a threat is made is how they win. While I dont think our government went about it the way they should have, Iraq wasnt the main target, and should never have been. We should be going after any terrorist group that sprouts up. This includes Militias with a crackpot idea. I might not like the way this country is run, but I love my city, I love my family, and I love my friends. And anyone that threatens them, is my enemy.
Greenpeace. Another extremist group that lost its way. A good idea gone bad. They are in many ways worse than the other 3 previously mentioned. There is no way to justify killing one to save another... murder is murder, plain and simple. Destruction is destruction. Our Ecosystem might be fucked, but these petty attempts to save it do jack shit. Sure, ram a whaling ship and sink it to stop that one ship from killing any more whales. But the oil and gas from that ship goes into the water and poisons the fish around it... the debri from the ship kills other sea creatures.... devistation causes more devistation. Every action has an equal or greater reaction. These are things they need to consider before going all apeshit on others.
The ESA (Endangered Species Act.) As a law, its crap. Who created it? Nixon....NIXON FOR CIPES SAKE. Its a law that protects endangered species, duh. But it does so at the cost of peoples welfare and wellbeing. You buy land, and want to build a school school for kids who have trouble in school, or a shelter for the homeless, or even a daycare.... if theres an endangered species on that lot... you cant build shit. Even though they are all over the area, and are only endangered on your part of town....your fucked. Its an act that screws over people more than helps the animals. Its just another way of bossing us around.
These things are crap, and will always be crap. Good intentioned things taken to far and twisted. They hide behind masks of well intentions and eloquent speakers... but remember this, Hitler was also an eloquent speaker... look what he did. Hey, If Peta can compare us Chicken Eaters to Nazi's, Why cant I compare them to Nazi's as well?
Trouble begins with a mix of misinformation and gullibility. I could create a website right now about an endangered sparrow, get pretty pictures from a photo website or national geographic, post bullshit facts, and ask for donations. How many people do you think will give me money to save this so called endangered bird I just made up? A lot. I just want people to be educated in their life. Its not about book smarts, its about street smarts, and world smarts. There are always going to be people who want to exploit things, and take advantage of gullable people. Its up to us, who are not so gullible, to look out for those who are. Sure, I might not know anything that isnt alreay known already. My facts come from facts of others who did the research, but at least I research their information, and look for true facts.
In this world of easily led zombies, how many can stand up and fight for others? We as people are heavily influenced by Music, Movies, Media, and the Internet. I might be one powerless voice, but a voice none the less. All it takes is a spark under someones ass to get them to stand up as well. I'm sure tons of other people have the same thoughts as me, and are as fed up with things as I am, but are to afraid to speak out, or dont think their voice matters. But it does. Use your voice, and use your mind. These are the most powerful tools we have. Dont let anyone silence your voice.