Sep 11, 2007 21:29
Theres this guy on myspace hes been sending comment to my gf and they are stupid. now for soem reason hes after me wants to kick my ass and I dont know why heres a messages he sent me
(like i could give a fuck about your insults about my jester suit.....i'll just put it this way ...if i see ya..your be hurting got it?....and as for your name TJ ...thats the name of a fucking until u grow the balls and be a man..shut the fuckl up ) the first message he sent me he aid I was a punk and a bith for hitting women ive never hit a women in my life I hate men who beat women so thats dumb
What the hell is that ? welI sure cant be my real name thats my dads name and ive always been TJ this guy pisses me off