This post contains general FAQ, posting schedules, and whatever else you need to know to make NARUTOBANG!2010 work for you.
So what is a BIG BANG, you ask? Why are we BIGBANGing Naruto?
'Tis the epic fanfic challenge, and one that you'll see in many other fandoms besides. We want 10,000 words (or 20000, if you're feeling ambitious). We want your stylish plot. We want your big-boned character development. We want your porn. We want your time. We want your love. Whatever you got, we want it. So, yeah. The goal of this big bang is to produce some really good shit, and all at once. A BIGBANG of flavor (and right into fandom), is what it is.
How does the fanart tie into it?
Fanartists will be teaming up with the writers, providing illustrations and/or fanmixes for stories (and getting to read them before everyone else), 'cause we all want to see our stories jazzed-up and sparkly, no? (Or hey, you can always do it the other way around, draw something and have someone write 10,000 words for you alkdjf;dlf.)
I want to do it, but I'm fresh out of ideas!
HERE! I'm not sure I can scrounge up 10000, so can I bully invite a friend into co-writing with me?
WHY YES of course you can and if we didn't believe in teamwork we probably shouldn't be hanging around in -this- fandom. In fact, we are such proliferates of communism teamwork and good sportsmanship, that we have given you the option to either enter individually and wait for an artist to come to you, or create your own team and choose your own artists!
*However. Please note that it is not necessary to join a team; it is not even necessary to have an artist. You may enter individually, as well, and write for the pure and holy enjoyment of squeezing out 10k from your fingertips.
Hey, what was that earlier about 20000 words?
Ah. Here's where we can incorporate cool Naruto terminology into bigbang! NARUTOBANG!2010 will be having two waves of writing. The chuunin wave is for 10000+ words, the jounin wave, 20000+. Two tranquilizer shots work better than one! Yeaaaaah. :Db
What if I want to drop out after I sign-up? What if my artist/writer decides to drop-out?
Since this isn't a fic exchange, all the pressure's off about recipients and pinch-hitting. If you're interested in participating, but suddenly decide that you'd really rather spend your summer watching Korean dramas or doing something productive like waiting for a new manga chapter, we won't blame you you can definitely pull out at any point, as long as it's BEFORE the deadlines. We'll try to accommodate as best we can, but we'll really miss you~ ._____. [read: cannot help but emit expressions of grief] Let's pray to all the zombie gods this doesn't happen, though, okay? That's why there's such a long time to sign-up. Consideration period!
I have more questions, but the FAQ is over...
Please direct all questions to this post, or you can always contact the mods here --> ;D
So here's the break-down. Obvious guidelines are obvious.
1) The goal is to write Naruto-based fanfic, which consists of either 10,000 words in the chuunin-wave or 20,000 words for jounin. It is totally not painful, and we are totally not lying liars, but REALLY. You will feel so much ridiculous accomplishment afterwards that it'll all be worth it.
2) NARUTOBANG applies to characters found in the manga, the anime series and all the related movies movies only. After that, we take no responsibility for whatever you come up with. You can curry your fantasies about batman!Neji coming on to Uchiha Shisui in a swimming pool, and we won't bat an eyelash. Just make sure it's long enough, yeah? His thing and your thing.
2-a)...and yeah, if your thing ends up being longer than our projected thing, we'll love you even more.
3) Stories can be het, gen, slash, whatever. There is no limit to rating. Crossovers with other fandoms are acceptable, but the main focus and/or pairing must contain Naruto characters.
4) Co-writing is totally not-cheating! It counts, as long as the collaborative wordcount is still 10,000 words for the chuunin, 20,000 words for the jounin. Like, you can totally gather 10,000 people and have each one write two words. Beautiful teamwork right there. :D
5) No story can be submitted for Naruto Big Bang that has previously and publicly appeared in any form or in any part online prior to the posting date. If you had some fic under lock-down, start working on it, yeah? The challenge is ANONYMOUS, which means that there'll be a reveal post after everyone's put up their stuff. After reveals, you can post your stuff wherever you want.
6) Check the prompts post if you're out of devious plans. Anyone may contribute to the prompts post. We are proliferates of contributing to the prompts post, as well. 8D
1) The minimum requirement is one piece of finished artwork. For mixers, that means Do What You Do Best. For artists, that means color/stylistic b+w/whatever artsy-fartsy coolness you can come up with that'll make all of us jealous of your artistic prowess. Though we'd really like more than one for a story, 'cause which is better: one beautiful masterpiece or three hasty sketches? (And the correct answer is THREE BEAUTIFUL MASTERPIECES. But you knew that already. ;D)
2) No size limit. Though if it's art, you'll want to make sure it fits on a webpage, because a full-sized bed always looks hotter than an aspect ratio. Brings out all the details.
3) When you send your piece of art to your writer, please specify which passage you are illustrating, just so we'd be able to insert it properly into the fic.
4) Sign your work, by all means! Art posts come with reveals.
If you think you won't be able to scrounge up an artist and a fanmixer for your work, jump in anyway! We'll be having sign-up posts for independent artists and mixers, as well as individual writers. Once a writer sends in their Super Amazing Summary (SELL your work, you know?), we'll post these summaries in an anonymous list.
Please be aware that writers might outnumber artists or mixers, and if we have like, only 10 mixers or artists, we will post the first 10 fiction summaries that come in. We'll post the rest a little while later.
Chuunin Wave:
- Sign-ups open May 7, end May 21.
- Stories due July 9. Mixers and Fanartists assigned, or the fic given to the team-mates to begin their own work.
- D-DAY. Final edit of fic, mixes and any fanart due July 30.
- Posting begins ≈August 6.
On July 9, your story must be emailed to the mods at so that we can be sure you're on your way and that it will be sent to a fanmixer and/or fanartist in time. This does not have to be the betaed, polished, and completely final form. However, it must be complete. You have a few weeks from July 9 to have your fic beta'd, if it hasn't already been so; this is the fortnight that the fanmixers/fanartists have to work.
If you already have your own friendly fighting team of writer and artist and/or fanmixer, make sure you all work together to send all the information in one package. If you DON'T have a team, then you'll be asked to send in a summary with the fic, so that we can entice any interested artists or fanmixers in a separate post. This information also applies to the Jounin wave.
Did you understand all these rules? (We hope you did, because if you didn't bother to read any of this, you won't know to tell us who your favorite Akatsuki member is, and in the "other notes" section of your sign-up form. And then we won't accept your application. :D)
Jounin Wave:
- Sign-ups open May 17, end May 31.
- Majority of story and a summary due August 13. Mixers and Fanartists assigned, or given the work by their team-mates to begin their own work.
- D-DAY. Final edit of fic, mixes and any fanart due on August 31.
- Posting begins ≈September 6.
Use this form for all writers, artists, mixers, &c&c.
name | lj name | fic journal (if applicable):
email or some other form of contact:
I am signing up as a writer/artist/mixer:
can you help with betaing fic? other notes:
A sample sign-up form,
name | lj name | fic journal (if applicable): ezyl |
ezyls_girl |
bigbangttebayo email or some other form of contact:
bigbangttebayo@gmail.comI am signing up as a writer/artist/mixer: WRITER. <3
can you help with betaing fic? yes.
other notes: *secret password/DID YOU READ THE RULES?*
wave (jounin/chuunin. please circle one!):
team members:
planned fic-rating:
are you seeking any team members? if so, please say so.:
A sample team sign-up form,
name: Team Sai's Penis
wave (jounin/chuunin. please circle one!): JOUNINNNN.
team members:
megyal (writer/writer),
weeaboobs (writer/artist),
ezyls_girl (writer/cheerleader)
planned fic-rating: NC-17
are you seeking any team members? if so, please say so.: Yes! We seek one beta-reader.
1) Your application will be approved by a mod when it is replied to by a mod. If not, that means that your name is not on our list, i.e., we won't know you're doing the challenge. D:
2) If you are signing up as a team, please submit it in reply to a previously-completed Jounin Wave Application. Every team member must fill out an application, but when you reply with a team application, any team member will do~ Individual team-applications will be ignored.
3) Anyone who would like to join any incomplete team may reply to the team's post, and wait for addition into the team. Upon addition, please make a new team post with any new members.
4) Please do not edit any of your comments, as we will not catch the edits and may miss out on something important. If you wish to make any edits to your application, please make a new comment.
5) Approved applications and team with their respective members will be taken down on
this post here.
May 31st: [
Please watch this community (stalking's all the rage these days, you know?). You do not have to join to access anything. I lock some posts when I'm not finished with them. But you did not have to know about that. >8D