Thing 1:
Just a reminder that we are having another round of comm chat this afternoon/evening/whatever. Now that both sides of the pond are off daylight savings time the old time estimates should be accurate again (apparently they weren't yesterday)
Community Chat (today)
Time: 5:00 EST (although I'm on now anyway)
Char Name: bbhweekend (AIM)
Thing two:
I know many of us are doing NaNoWriMo this year (meaning participants on all levels may be jugging extra things since this challenge is still going on), and I thought people might want to friend each other over there. So if you're looking for writing buddies comment here with your NaNo name.
Thing three:
It has been decided that there no reason not to tell authors who is doing artwork for their stories since there's little surprise value and many artists might need to contact their authors anyway so it as it stands now follows:
corrielle / shinysparks
eyrial / haecvir
jedi_of_urth / shinysparks
kegal84 & bron_v / midnightdream__
railise / haecvir
tania_sings / ladylovelace
Thing for:
I probably will do an artist check in next weekend to make sure the artists haven't run into trouble/real life issues/whatever. This may again impact the schedule.