Artists: Claims Round Two

Jul 12, 2011 07:22

ETA: Annnnd we're done! Thank you so much for stepping it up!

We still have 10 stories (10 AWESOME stories!) 1 story left that needs to be claimed for art!

Therefore we are running a second round of claims. Here's the deal. If you've signed up as an artist and made a claim yesterday, you can make a second claim on this post. If you've signed up as a pinch hitter with the mods, you can make a claim here today (if you would like to pinch hit for art, please DM one of the mods so we can put you on the list, then come here and claim a fic). If you signed up as an artist and missed yesterday's claim post, here's your chance to pick a story!

Every single story will get art - writers, please don't be worried or upset if your fic hasn't been picked yet! We promise you will get something!

In the cut are the 10 3 1 remaining summary that needs to be claimed! Please comment to this post with the number and title of the story you'd like and I will cross them off as they are claimed!

1.The idea and the reality
Pairing: Penny/Sheldon
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: none
Summary: Sheldon prepares for everything- zombies, restaurant closures, and power outages. He also plans for the apocalypse by packing survival kits for each of his friends, including a certain neighbor across the hall. When the unthinkable finally happens, Penny is separated from those who can help her most until she finds a series of letters from Sheldon in the compartments of her bag. Slowly, she realizes her genius neighbor knows more than he’s ever been given credit for.

2. Say Goodnight
Pairing: Raj/Stuart primarily
Rating: Explicit (NC-17)
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for 4x20.
Summary: Raj & Stuart's fledgling relationship is broken when Stuart finds out about the poetry and love letters to Bernadette.

3. The Elephant in the Chair
Pairing: Gen (some Leonard/OFC)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: brief language/drug references
Summary: A cautionary tale of boys and robots, of sisters, dogs, and too much Sigmund Freud. How sometimes it takes a trip home to remember that maybe this whole thing of growing up as the middle child, being called a genius while never quite stepping from the shadow of your siblings or the critique of your parents; maybe it's a tale that's been heard before. But this is Leonard's and the only one he's known, so bad or worse, it's going to stay.

4. The Story of Penny
Pairing: Pairings do not drive the fic (storyline is unrelated to romance) but Leonard/Penny and Howard/Bernadette are together for the duration of it.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: No spoilers
Summary: While stuck in the apartment building for the night and in the middle of a game of truth or dare, Penny tells the rest of the group about her childhood. Includes flashbacks with her family and friends back in Nebraska, as well as present day scenes with the gang.

5. Here There Be Dragons
Pairing: Penny/Sheldon & Ten/Rose (Crossover-Big Bang Theory/Doctor Who)
Rating: PG-13+/R
Warnings/Spoilers: Season Four, Big Bang Theory and Series Two, Doctor Who. No specific spoilers to any episode. General references only.
Summary: The Doctor and Rose end up taking the wrong type of vacation. Instead of fun in the sun, they cross paths with a certain physicist and his blonde friend who are trapped in a state of inertia unique to them. However, there’s a twist: Sheldon becomes the Doctor’s companion, and Rose stays behind to form a friendship with Penny. They come to realize that they cannot replace one another in time, or space.

6. a plastic man of steel
Pairing: Kripke/Zack
Rating: PG13
Warnings/Spoilers: no warnings or spoilers
Summary: Kripke is pretty much okay with this weird little friendship he has going on with Zack and Stuart (believe it or not). That is, until one evening when Kripke comes home to find he's been broken into and Zack offers him a place to stay. After that, everything starts to go upside-down; Stuart doesn't know how to keep his opinions to himself and Zack... well, Zack won't stop being Zack. And somewhere in the middle of it all is a Superman action figure who probably knows how to make everything right again but the guy just isn't talking.

7. Coping Mechanisms
Pairing: N/A, Gen
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers thru season 4, non-graphic references to abuse
Summary: Dr. Beverly Hofstadter is the daughter of a charming Southern Belle and an alcoholic travelling salesman in rural Louisiana. She has spent her life trying not to be like her capricious parents but, in her early sixties, she wonders if she's gone too far in the opposite direction. Through a series of meals with her son, Leonard, she reflects on her choices as a mother, daughter, sister, and wife as she moved from a southern beauty queen to a Yankified Ivy League intellectual. She also wonders how, with so many people in her life, she ended up feeling so alone.

8. Pale Riders
Pairing: Sheldon/Penny
Rating: R
Warning/Spoilers: AU, Mild Profanity, Violence, Death, Controversial Subjects
Summary: 2017: the world has fallen into darkness and ruin. Man stands alone at a precipice-to fall into the abyss of evil or to rise above his own nature. It is a world where redemption and damnation go hand in hand and a new battle ground is forged, pitting the faithful against the faithless. Lives will be lost, beliefs will be challenged, and hope-hope may yet be rekindled.

9. The Avuncular Circumstance
Pairing: Leonard/Penny
Rating: R, mainly for language
Spoilers: Spoilers for all four seasons of TBBT excluding the last episode of season 4 - the story presumes that Leonard and Priya broke up in that space of time.
Summary: When Leonard's sister passes away and he is given custody of his niece, he is forced to take a trip to New York City to settle things - with Penny tagging along as a support system. The two of them have been broken up for over a year now, but it's obvious that she still holds a torch for him. This trip to New York, however, may be the thing that pulls them out of this intricate dance they've been dancing for years...

10. The Engagement Catalyst
Pairing(s): Leonard/Penny, Howard/Bernadette, and slight Sheldon/Amy
Rating: T
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for all of season four, including the finale.
Summary: Leonard has finally decided to ask Penny to marry, and while popping the question to his girlfriend may seem like the hardest challenge, it's no match for what's to come. Being engaged and planning a wedding prove to much more difficult, especially when Sheldon and Amy elect themselves as wedding planners for the couple.

!mixers, !admin, 2011, !vidders, !artists

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