Oct 23, 2002 00:58
Well well well....what a day...what a night. Did my usual going to class meeting with The Betsy. (Her and Kathleen both hate me) Anyways...I went to Park Ave. and bought the new Foo Fighters CD...its pretty good. I like it. I also picked up some samplers. One of them being the new Ours sampler cuz Betsy has been raving about them ever since that show about a year ago. I went job hunting with Carly today....we walked around Waterford and stopped by all the stores that looked interesting. Yes...publix has finally gotten to me....I hate it there. Anyways, I now have 4 applications to fill out. Gamestop, Barnes and Noble, Petland, and Old Navy. (its better than publix at least) I put them in order of which I like them too....just in case anyone cared to know since I know no one did. Then I went to the Plea for Peace tour with Alex and Christina. I have mixed feelings about that show. It wasn't as good as I thought it would be. We got there a little late and saw the end of the first band, Lawrence Arms...I liked what I heard though. Next was Common Rider...ok....they are really good on cd...but I guess its just one of those bands that you don't really wanna see live after seeing them once. They were still Ok though. After them came Cursive......one word. WEIRD. They were Indie Rock I guess...they had a very unique sound to say the least. They are another band that would be better on cd. Then to save us from the oddness, Poison the Well took stage. Hardcore music with screaming...yeah that was crazy. Practially the entire place was 1 giant mosh pit. They were good but not really my cup of tea. Thursday headlined and they were awesome....at least I thought they were anyways. It was an ok show overall...I've been to better though. We went to Steak N Shake after the show...mmmmm......I was hungry too. That was my dinner. I wonder if I have anything in my house for desert.............