Title: Unknown/You Make My Heart Stop (it wasn't very clear)
Author: A mystery~
Prompt: “you make my heart stop”
It’s not like they were together or liked each other or anything. Stuff like this happened all the time around friends and family, around best friends, and best guy friends or whatever. People spoke as it is. But seriously, if it was, it would have been more obvious (Even though it did).
Back when they still had uniforms in high school, with those ugly bowties and seas of black all around the hallways, Jiyong was always the weak one. He was the one who’d be wrapped up on breezy days, and the one prone to sneeze in class or bump into open lockers. Seunghyun would roll his eyes and smile; and when Jiyong was about to flush from embarrassment or cry from a sudden bruise, he’d rest his arm around his shoulder and call it a day. Sometimes Jiyong did things on purpose without noticing, and sometimes Seunghyun would just sling his arm around him -- they were friends after all.
In the hot summers after a long drive, Jiyong would panic about his skin and the sun, and with a roll of his eyes, Seunghyun would smile and brush sun protection on the places Jiyong couldn’t reach. His hands trembled when flesh met flesh, but Seunghyun accepted that it’s because Jiyong’s bones were too prominent, and at his age ribs and spines shouldn’t be seen and felt. Jiyong used to bite his lip and smile, because he was ticklish, that’s all. He took care of his skin, and he used to put on protection at least twice or three times -- he was careful, that’s all.
In the winters, when it was too blurry and wet to go home, Seunghyun would just stay overnight. They’d done it times before. But ever since Jiyong’s sister went to college, and Jiyong’s mother got rid of the extra bunk bed, Seunghyun just slipped inside his duvet, warm and toasty from electricity and warm water. Sometimes it got too cold, and the heat didn’t reach the tips of their noses or their toes. With a laugh and a roll of the eyes, Seunghyun would pull Jiyong to him, limbs shaking and generating heat by rubbing circles and brushing lines. When it got too warm, and sweat-like film coated his neck, Seunghyun didn’t dare pull or push away. Jiyong had trouble sleeping, and it wouldn’t have been fair to wake him up for just that, that’s all. Jiyong was always too cold on nights like these, even if his cheeks were rosy red. Besides, it was comfortable -- they were friends after all.
When Jiyong traded his baggy jeans and big t-shirts to skinnys and jackets, he’d always ask how he looked. Seunghyun would (flush and) just laugh hard, telling him that he wasn’t a girl, so his compliment wouldn’t count. He’d also say: If I were though, I think you look great, handsome, cute, hot, sexy, doable, loveable. Jiyong would (widen his eyes, then) just laugh because honestly, it was funny when Seunghyun did that. He’d wear the outfit too often, because hyung said that girls would find it attractive, and hyung would know what’s right or not -- they were friends after all.
Seunghyun confessed that he’d never been kissed, and Jiyong smiled small and ashamed, confessing that he’d done it many times before. He was in surprise, blinked twice, and cocked his head to the left when Seunghyun asked if he could try. Seunghyun was just testing the waters, that’s all. There was no hesitation, but that’s how much of a good friend Jiyong was, and when Seunghyun wanted to know what giving a hickey was like, Jiyong shrugged. He offered further lessons, since Seunghyun needed to work on his technique, and he liked wearing colored scarves at any time of the year. Jiyong didn’t want him to be giggled and gossiped about amongst girl posses -- that’s all.
Jiyong also had trouble fitting in most of the time, but it was even harder when he found himself in university, amongst different classes of race and people, and Seunghyun wasn’t always around. He’d cry and cry when they met in secluded areas of campus, because rolling tongues and harsh words pierced his heart. They hated Jiyong’s fashion, Jiyong’s thoughts and opinions, and the way he spoke for his rights. Seunghyun would roll his eyes to brush back tears, pulling his friend in an embrace as he shook and shivered. I don’t think you’re like that, he’d murmur inhaling the scent along Jiyong’s neck. Even when it got too close for comfort, and Seunghyun would feel him fidgeting, he wouldn’t let go, and Jiyong never said anything about letting go or something. He couldn’t control his palms smoothing the lines along Jiyong’s back, it was a form of reassurance. They were friends after all.
When Seunghyun had a girlfriend (of some sort, as he said), Jiyong often felt worried and thoughtful, because to be honest he didn’t like her or her laugh and her smile too much. He worried for Seunghyun, because it’s ‘bros before hoes’ and Seunghyun didn’t deserve a two-timing, disrespectful girl -- that’s all. Jiyong usually gave her a once over whenever they met, and he reasoned the spiraling feeling in his chest whenever Seunghyun and her kissed was from embarrassment and maybe some disgust and worry, too. When she asked Seunghyun how she looked that day, he bluntly told her to lose weight.
They didn’t last long, and Jiyong welcomed Seunghyun back with open arms, because that’s what friends are for.
It was raining and cold, windows fogged up and the smell of coffee wafting from the boiler, little blocks of ice hitting against the window and disturbing the silent studying. Jiyong was rambling and complaining, because that’s how he grew up to be - something about the weather and the books, and everything else as he sat himself down between the library shelves. Seunghyun watched and watched, the trembling of Jiyong’s lips and the book above his head that he suddenly needed. He didn’t plan it, of course not -- any idiot could tell that when he reached out, he’d lose his balance.
Nose to nose, breath to cheek, and Jiyong didn’t stir. The long fall and rise of his skinny chest indicated that he was mildly taken aback, per se, but complaining was a little bit difficult. Jiyong braced himself on the old fitted carpet below him, fingers drawing circles waiting for something to happen. Seunghyun was a roundabout person, gently capturing his chapped lips with his own; and it felt even easier when Jiyong followed his lead, without any complaints. Tongue poking and little breaths inhaled, hands bypassing heated skin under loose clothing. Growing warmer, then fading slowly. Before he knew it, Seunghyun pulled back, and with a playful smile he kissed Jiyong’s forehead, before settling himself back in his spot with his book in hand.
Jiyong just cocked his head in surprise, palm over his sternum as his heartbeat resumed to its normal rhythm. Seunghyun just rolled his eyes and smiled.
It’s not like they were together or liked each other or anything. Stuff like this happened all the time.