Title: Wait For Me
Pairing: Daesung / Top / Jiyong
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: This is my first one shot. I was listening to 1TYM's Wait For Me, hence the title. I was doing my script for my video production class and I accidentally heard this song on shuffle. I'm caught up with the song which makes me think reluctantly on writing a fic with this song on repeat.
**EDIT: this is an updated version ^__^v
Tears were slowly falling from Daesung's eye. He was sitting at the edge of his bed thinking deeply about what had happened that afternoon, he seemed flustered and unaware of the heavy rain outside.
He placed his elbows on his lap, tears continuing to fall freely down cheek. The night was heavy and a mellow groan gave him the impression that the others were asleep already.
Daesung stayed in his bedroom - staring blankly at the bleak white wall before him, with only a tiny shred of light illuminating his figure. Gradually he slumped down on the floor, pulling his leg to his chest.
He casually messaged his temples, until eventually he began to wipe away the traces of his misery. His hand shook violently as he tightened his hold on the small piece of paper. His gaze laid transfixed on the blank wall before him.
Daesung's eyes finally rested on the sheet of paper, each fine stroke of the words striking his heavy heart.
"I'm sorry, I chose Jiyong instead of you."
He stared at it. Daesung flushed intensely, giving his eyes another set of flowing tears. He couldn't take it anymore. Engulfed by his pain and sorrow, he threw that small sheet, giving that one throw his all. It was maddening, what was happening. Everything that came in contact meant nothing to him anymore. Various items were now left askew around his room, everything reflected his current state. Everything was Broken.
He clung onto his desk forcefully as a he fought back a sob. Daesung felt a great feeling of anxiety and animosity inside of him. He continued to thrash everything that he laid eyes on until something caught his eye. He hesitantly reached for Seunghyun's framed photo. The expression on Daesung's face was heartbreaking. Slowly he found it difficult to breathe as he placed the photo near his heart. And his cries only made things worse.
Across Daesung's room was Seunghyun's. The older man could hear Daesung's heartbreaking cries. Seunghyun laid in bed with Jiyong by his side, completely oblivious from what was happening. A lone tear found its way down his cheek as he endured hearing Daesung's anguished voice.
Seunghyun quietly ignored the overwhelming distress from across the hall and gently pulled Jiyong closer to him as he closed his eyes to sleep.