Title: Nightlight
Author: Aislin Oriel
Rating: PG-13/R
Summary: Follows Daylight. 3/3(?). GD (pretends he) is insecure, and TOP smooth talks (cons) him out of it (as well as his pants, naturally). GTOP.
Genre: Angst/Romance (read: poser-angst, aimless fluff, lame humour, allusions to smut)
Characters: G-dragon/T.O.P
Author Notes: I have issues I'm sure. I apologize in advance. One-shot drabble became three-shot(?) weirdness. Started writing this directly after the Hyunjoong/TOP special stage, but I am lazy so it took some insomnia to finish. *is shot* Bring on comments and crit!
He was great, that was all.