Turn (My Camera) On [1/1] [Seungri/TOP] [NC17]

Jul 14, 2012 13:54

Turn (My Camera) On


Seungri/TOP, NC17, 3262 words

Seungri makes a video message for his Seunghyun-hyung.

Read at AO3

This was going to be a ~~character study~~ and instead it's purposeless porn. This isn't beta-ed and it's not the greatest thing I've ever written, but uh, enjoy?

Also, I'm very new to Kpop fandom and I'm very much in need of someone who could help me out by beta-ing another story (TOP/Daesung) I'm working on. I'd be glad to return the favor! I'm looking for someone who can provide meaningful insight into structure and characterization, not so much just grammar checking. Thank youuuu~*~*

p: seungri/top, author: r

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