Title: Letting Go (10/?)
vvipforseungriRating: PG-13
Pairing: G-Ri, GTOP, onesided!BaeRi
Word Count: 2387 <-- YOU HAPPY NOW?!
Genre: Angst, Drama
Summary: Seungri's gotta come back. He has to.
Disclaimer: I don't own them, no matter how hard I try.
AN: BLEH. THERE YOU GO, ARIEL. THERE YOU GO, RAE. THERE YOU GO, KENDALL. BLEEEEH. I worked extra hard so I could actually update! I'm sorry it's not as OMG SO EXCITING!, but it's for the sake of the plot and for the next conflict. Bahaha, look at me, throwing plot twists at you! Did you know we're only about 3/5ths into the story?
Am I allowed to work on my series now? No? /hides from unnies. MY OLD, OLD UNNIES. FEEL BAD, YEP.
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 9 (
~update~ you know you wanna... ~update~ )