Sep 07, 2010 17:54

Title: You'll Be Safe Here
Artist: Masaya (peligr0)
Rating: PG
Type: comic(graphic novel style)
Focus/Pairings: jiyong/seungri
Medium: digital
a/n: Submission for the gdheartri fanmix i hope i gave justice to the message of the song with my interpretation in this fanart.

click. )


Title: Butterfly
Artist: Masaya (peligr0)
Rating: G
Type: doodle  fanvideo
Focus/Pairings: jiyong/seungri
Medium: digital
a/n: Submission for the gdheartri fanmix. It's kinda short compared to the one i did before. The fanart(with graphic novel/comic style)took most of my free time so yeah hehe. I hope you like this still. Anyway, this is also for fluffyyaoi, did you see your request somewhere in this vid? hehehehe <3, also for parkchoongjae, it's your song for the fanmix :) and FOR EVERYBODY at the comm ^^~. ENJOY.

click. )

type: comic, type: fanvideo, type: graphic, type: fanmix, artist: p, rating: pg, pairing: gdragon/seungri, medium: digital

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