better than it used to be.

Dec 15, 2008 23:25

I've had a pretty successful weekend.

Friday i went to murrays and got oil, radiator fluid, and new wipers. I didn't have my new insurance so i didn't go down to secretary of state and get new tags.

Saturday chrissy came over and watched the hockey game and stayed the night. I stayed up way later than i should have playing WoW but got 4 levels >=D.

Sunday morning chrissy and I went out to breakfast cause laura drove to Lansing to see "gums" and her husband joe. Laura and chrissy then went christmas shopping and joey and i hung out. Luke came over and made us taquitos. I decided to get our martini stuff out and make some, but they came out terrible so i pretty much just had gin and sprite in a martini glass. Vermouth tastes like ruby port wine and is actually quite alcoholic. Proceded to watch most of the boston legal that i had left. Laura went to bed and luke and i were going to stay up and play star wars mini's but joey was teething hardcore and was up crying till 2AM. Luke fell asleep on the recliner and i stayed up and did gnomergan with joe. I was hardcore tired and intoxicated and i don't even remember going to bed so hopefully we finished that and i got some loot.

Manday morning luke got up with joey so i got an extra hour of sleep. But nothing plus 1 still isn't a lot so i was pretty exhausted and hung over. Luke stayed with joey and i went out and got us bellacinos which was godly, i'd been craving it forever. Joey passed out so luke and I played mini's. I kicked his ass with a merc army then we switched man's and i kicked his ass with his random jedi group. Afterwords he put my new wirpers on for me and took off. Joey and i proceded to hang out and do the things we do on manday. Mostly sit on the couch and cuddle.

I tried taking a nap when laura got home but i had trouble falling asleep and then once i was asleep joey would wail or laura would ask me a question and i'd wake up. So i went upstairs and got about a half hour in, i'm still exhausted.

I got pulled over right when i got to work tonight. My tags are expired and since i didn't renew them on friday i got pulled over. He just let me go though because i told him i had just renewed my insurance and haven't gotten/lost the paper copy and i hadn't went down to renew them yet. So yeah, that was my best cop experience ever because i usually get a ticket or my car torn apart or arrested.

Boston Legal season 1 review
I'm really really having trouble finding things i don't like about this series.
Laura doesn't like that alan shore (james spader) is gay in real life but is the guy who has sex with all the chicks on the show. But me, i find it hilarious. The dialogs do seem a little forced when he talks about his conquests, but that's immediately forgotten when he's doing anything else ever. (According to wiki he's not gay and is marrying his girlfriend soon. My bad.)

The writing for this show is quite honestly the best writing for a series, just about ever. Every episode is great and all the character interactions are great and all the legal cases are great and william shatner and Candice bergen (murphy brown) and james spader are great. I like to think of the writing like this. Think of any movie ever that involves a trail and think of that one part where the main actor is giving this flooring speech about whatever the hell is going on. It's pretty much a long movie built around this 3-5 great speech. Boston legal is like that one moment expect it's through out the entire series, and constant.

The only character i didn't like got fired, so everything is cool.
This character in question is the one i refer to as "bouncy breasts." Because she constantly wears revealing tops and in just about every scene she's walking fast as hell and her tits are just all over the place. They're nice and everything, but very distracting and honestly, quite ridiculous. I also think she wore incredibly to much make up, blush to be specific. I'd never seen someones cheeks so purposely unnecessarily red. i thought it was just because it was something her character did, but no, they had interviews in the special features and she had a retarded amount of blush on.
If i did a drinking game for boston legal the rules would be take a drink when:
Someone says the name Denny Crane
Someone says the name Alan Shore
You think that character is wearing way to much blush

But she's not on the show any more so who cares.

So yeah, if you've never watched boston legal before, i highly recommend it, it's damn good television.

(btw, dan, i need season 2 now >=D. See you on thursday)

Edit: I never recognized it, but james spader is apparently the main character from the orginal star gate movie. And that's way awesome.


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