A sad thing to see on my most recent log-in to my blog, considering so much has happened in the preceding months. I shall try to re-cap.
Mariel has, since last blogging, escaped the world of retail slavery and now works in a much more rewarding capacity as a medical receptionist. Mariel's also got herself a
Michael Symon deservedly won the title of Iron Chef some weeks ago. This dude makes me wanna fly to Cleveland just to drop $32.00 on a steak dinner.
I have recently joined the ranks of the
Springfield Area Comic Creators' Network, with whom I will be working on an Ozarks folklore anthology.
The first batch of page files for Hypersonic #1 have been sent to Shannon, with more to come. The book will be complete by year's end. Everyone holding out for this, I have to offer my sincere apologies. No amount of excuses or reasons can make up for the long delay in getting this book completed. News on the book's publisher forthcoming as we get it.
I got my comp copy of Hope: New Orleans last month. I gotta say, with all the headaches this book caused, I'm glad just to see it in print. Every creator kicked ass on this thing.
Okami no Mure has moved from my home to
Rublemizer's, the new Springfield comics shop recently opened by my brother-in-law, Shawn Mizer.
And lastly, yes, I support the
Writer's Guild of America's strike.
More to come. Watch Torchwood. Pick up The Dethalbum. Do us all a favor.