May 16, 2018 23:43
Katie Ballantine Thank you so much for being such a nice person... you always have such kind things to say and I appreciate it so much. There's no way you could have known this but I actually just went to the dentist yesterday and finally, finally, got my front teeth fixed; this is the first picture of me smiling with my teeth out in a long, long time. Thank you for helping me to feel good about my new smile
Jer Johnson Who would ever talk crap about Trinidad, this man was always there for everyone who needed him, helped me out at shows and was always in general such a sweet person. We need more like him.
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Ashley Winterset
Ashley Winterset Agreed.
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Christian Angel Matos
Christian Angel Matos One more time for the people in the back
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Jer Johnson
Jer Johnson We need more people like him!! Lol