Mar 02, 2009 17:32
Ok, not really a snow day because I didnt have to work today. I went over to dads, spent the day watching tv and doing crafts with my family in front of the fire. Very fun. Poor Gabe has been out since like 3 am... hopefully coming home soon. Annie's coming home thursday, and we're all going to dc monday the 9th. I'm shocked that I got that day off... I need a new job lol. I'm actively looking- in the meantime I was actually top in sales for february, also had the most credit apps and esa's. So proud- but still looking for something new. I dunno. Kinda putting a lot of energy into my marriage, so at least in that area of life I am successful lol. Taking it one day at a time. Interestingly enough, I am finding new things to love about him every day.