Oddly Enough, I Never Remember My Own Mum's Birthday...

Sep 22, 2005 19:25

Ring out the bells again
Like we did when Spring began
Wake me up when September ends

Sometimes I feel like I don't have a soul. Then I remember that I don't. And I smile.

One person who does have a soul...and a heart the size of Texas (home of JBL! With hat!)...is Gary's mum, a wonderful person who had the unenviable task of raising a total twat for a son. So, to celebrate the day, I have a special gift for her! (And it's on time too, not four months late!)


1. Gary told me that his mum was turning fifty today. He also told me that she's looking forward to the event, and is excited about it. This proves that sometimes the apple does fall from the tree, as her son bitches and complains about his age everytime his birthday comes up.

2. When I was trying to put together films for the MR-75 project (which I'm nearly 2/3 done with), Gary's mum recommended the movie Fantasia, which was quite good. My mum recommended The Rose, which was also quite good. This other gentleman (not Gary, oddly enough) recommended movies as Catwoman and A Cinderella Story. I hope Gary's mum and my mum team up and beat the living shit out of him.

3. Gary's mum works hard to keep a home for her son and herself. Gary works hard to...well...I'll fill this one in later, when I think of something.

4. Gary has been on a frantic search to find a picture of Jack Nicholson's penis that his mum was found in a magazine when she was younger. Although I hate doubting the validity of a fine woman's memory, I'm wondering if it was really him. After all, I doubt Mr. Nicholson's penis could really FIT into a magazine photograph.

5. Gary has said horrible nasty things about nearly everyone he has ever discussed, including myself (such as "Fuck off and get eaten by one of those cannibals that keep cropping up in America"). However, Gary has never, ever said one bad thing about his mum.

Happy birthday to a wonderful lady!

In other news, I'm not sure if I'll go through with this, but I have a CRAZY PLAN for October. I want to watch at least one horror movie every day of the month. I really don't know if I'll have the strength to be able to stay up every night. Especially when I'm spending the evening with Rugged Gary. I'll have to really think about it and if it's "doable," or if I'll stop by day 3.

I got my Christian Captain Charisma tee-shirt today! Hooray! That's how I roll!

And I'll be writing the Reunion Rehash either later on tonight or tomorrow. Farewell!

Thanks for stopping by!
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