21 Reasons Why You Are All Fucking Stupid

Aug 20, 2006 16:48

Someone has to tell you fuckers to get fucking lives.

100 20 21 Reasons Why You Are All Fucking Stupid.

1. You all fucking edit too much. (See: gekidasadaze.) Eight fucking edits? A new fucking entry. Or write it in the first fucking entry in the first fucking place.

2. What the fucking fuck are you fucking morons doing? (See: that viper guy's userinfo.) FourteenFifteen fucking stars? Come the fuck on. He's writing fucking stories about fucking princesses and fucking Disney characters getting fucked up the fucking arse.

3. The fucking Virgin fucking Mary is fucking fucking with all of us and you fucking lamearses haven't fucking driven her out of fucking fandom yet. Even though she got some of us FUCKING PREGNANT. We're fucking BNFs of twenty fucking fandoms. We rule more than fucking lolitzgod. Fucking act like it, you fuckers.

4. You all have fucking crappy usernames. ''fsshuuukitty' is fucking asking to be called a fucking hissy bitch. gekidasadase - your name is Fucking Lamearse. It's your fucking username.

5. Fic. One fucking post. Life. One fucking entry. Not in the same fucking post, motherfuckers. You all fucking do this, and it's fucking annoying. If we want to read about your fucking stupid lives, we fucking will. Don't fucking sneak it into the fucking end of a fucking drabble post. We don't want to fucking read it.

6. None of you ever fucking post decent fucking entries . It's all boofuckinghoo-I'm-fucking-bored crybaby shit. If you're fucking bored, find a way to stop yourself from being fucking bored. Failing that - because you all fucking FAIL - keep it to your fucking selves.

7. You're all fucking FAGGOTS. Last I fucking checked, most of the world was fucking straight. That puts a really big fucking chance on more than half of you being fucking delusional.

8. You all drink and whine about the fucking hangovers. Drink fucking water and fucking eat, or fucking suck it the hell up.

9. The fucking fuck is up with the fucking smut writers? Captain 'I've fucking jacks on my fucking boots and they're fucking shoved up my arse' and the fucking I-eat-crow-for-breakfast demon are the only fucking decent smut writers in fandom. What the fucking fuck is up with that?

10. The fucking shota brat from Ouran is going to fucking Hyotei and the king fucker hasn't fucking noticed that a fucking SHOTA BRAT fucking half his size just fucking PWNED him. The fuck.

11. All the fucking Bleach and Death Note fuckers are fucking emo brats and you fucking act like this is fucking normal. These people are fucking grown adults. You'd think they'd grow the fuck up. You slept with the wrong fucking person, fucking deal with it. Don't fucking emo all over fucking LJ.

12. What the fucking fuck is up with the fucking emo twins from fucking Ouran? They're fucking brats with no fucking lives that fucking sit around whining about how fucking incesty they are. Fuck each other and get it the fuck over with.

13. You all fucking think that fucking pointy fucker from Hyotei is fucking hotter than me. You're all wrong in the fucking head.

14. You all fucking comment without fucking thumbsup and then you're all fucking 'oooeeeeeer, I fucking forgot, teehee!' THE FUCK. Get it right the first fucking time and save our fucking inboxes.

15. Fucking Jesus has a fucking Myspace and he didn't fucking friend me. Fucking shithead.

16. Rikkaidai's fucking captain fucking comments on bloody fucking EVERYTHING and he's never fucking got anything to say. Shut the fucking fuck up, Yammermura.

17. Fucking MemeGen is not a fucking excuse for a fucking entry. And those fucking 'pass it on, booyah!' ones, like those fucking interviews - guess the fuck what? They fucking suck. You don't have anything to fucking say, don't fucking post it. Do some shitty arty thing instead.

18. Count your fucking thumbs. You're here to be fucking BNFs, not whine about not getting fucking stars when, SURFUCKINGPRISE, you haven't been fucking counting your fucking thumbs. Count the fuckers and get more, fuckwits.

19. You all fucking use fucking emoticons. Learn to use your fucking language for the fucking communication it's fucking MEANT for and grow the fuck up. Don't waste space on fucking smilies, you pack of whiny four-year-olds.

20. Drama, drama, drama-fucking-drama. Stop fucking angsting all over the journals in fucking smalltext and whitext and icons and what the fuck ever text. Just go and fuck each other the fuck already and save our fucking time.

edit: 21. No-one wants to read about the king fucker, tentacles or fucking not.

fucking meta

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