ARRRRRRRGGH! Why does this keep happening to me?!?!

Apr 30, 2009 08:36

So as usual there are like 8 million things that I want to do this weekend, but work, school and the fact that  THEY ALL OVERLAP!

Friday the Horrorpops are coming to Baltimore and I want to see them finally (and maybe I'll get the guts to ask Phil out).
Saturday I'm going to sushi with some friends and then I have work from 4 to 9:30.
I also kind of wanted to go to Orpheus on Saturday for their Green Man Gala, but being that Gala was spelled "galla" on the flyer I am sensing a severe lack of attention to detail and am strongly considering not going.

The real kicker is Costume Con 27  is this weekend AND in Timonium this year! I want to go soooooooooooooooo bad! Between the fact that it's horror themed this year, that the owner of The Costumer's Guide to Movie Costumes is going to be there and their planned programming (beading classes! ribbon embroidery! blackwork! Wings, Wigs, Fangs and Feathers! Building a Costume Wardrobe! *explodes*).

ARGH I WANNA GO SO BAD!!!!! Stupid work. I swear to God employment gets all in the way of what I want to do, but then again without it I wouldn't be able to do anything so, it's a necessary evil. But still, it's cramping my style hardcore. I'm thinking that if I can't find anyone to come with me to the Horrorpops concert that I might go to Costume Con Friday night and then depending on my schedule go Sunday or Monday after my final. I just want to go at least ONE day!!!

things that suck, conventions, things that are amazing, cosplay ideas, positive pondering, concerts

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