Oct 06, 2005 14:08
so, tonite im headin off to rain. gotta party it up b4 jaimie leaves. im thinkin today is probably the last day im going to see her. its kinda sad. it hasnt really hit me yet that she is leaving.. its gunna b so weird that i cant just call her whenever i want.
ok.. i dunno wat to do. everyday my mind changes. should i live at home and commute next semester? or should i get a new roomate? or should i stick wit the one i got?... should i apply to umass dartmouth for the fall. and if i get in..should i go? or, should i stay at AIC for 4 years and live at home sophomore year n then live in an off campus apartment wit liz junior n senior year. uhh.... the decisions.
i always told myself that i would never let ne1 influence my decision on things i wanted to do in life.but i just cant make up my mind on this one. do i stay behind because of my friends, my job, or my family? or do i go, pick up and leave everyone behind.
or... when i get my taxes back.. should i go on a cruise over the summer and have the best week ever.. or should i do the "smart thing" and pay ahead on my car payments. i mean, you only live once. oncei graduate and get a real job they r gunna nail me on taxes.. esp cuz im gunna b makin a lot, they r gunna take more. so take advantage of it rite?.. well, if i go away to school next year then im not gunna have a constant job, so im gunna need to be ahead on my payments... uhh...
i love how money is the #1 issue of all these insane decisions. uhh..
help me out.....