holy hell!

Jan 11, 2005 17:55

yup yup leave it to me to wait till the last 30 mins before i get a test to study for it hah >_< i get my firefighter I test at 630pm dope! oh well i should know most of it already, but just tests argh sucku sucki and geeez they always have to word the questions trying to confuse u, so even if u now what's right and wrong, ur gonna get screwed. that's right just stick it to the man, all your base are belong to us! baugh baugh baugh... o_O right now i'm sooooo tired, tired of everything, tired of living.. same shite day in day out, feelings never change...this sucks, there's gotta be something better :| motivations are friends, girls, movies.. well there's plenty of motivation anyways, just when i have time to think when i'm alone, it's depresssing stuff i guess. friends, romans countrymen, lend me y0 ears~~~ damn i remember when i had to remember taht whole thing in acting hah mrs. farage, j0000's a trip! hmmm my mind is blank, i'm gonna do great on that test o_O lol holy hell i need as much luck as possible
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