Dec 29, 2003 12:52
just got back from gold's gym and totally drained... bro and i worked out this morning, haven't done that in a good while and we were feeling sick sick sick afterwards lol he's feeling it more than me though, prob cause he's got a cold :( could hardly drive home cause my body feels like jelly and trying to shift gears and turn the steering wheel was a hassle. but it was a good work out. got to see how strong my lil bro has gotting and how weak i've become lol looking forward to cleaning my room today...NOT. i honestly don't know where to start cause i've got so much crap! have to haul everything out and rearrange which is gonna be a pain in the arse. :(
get second interview for driving job(always seem to be driving hehe) on tuesday or wednesday, they say i've got the job just need to have the interview with the supervisor. so if i get that, then i'll be working there from 6am till whenever i get done, and my dance instructing job from 4pm-9pm. damn! i'm not gonna have a life, like i had one in the first place... o_O oh well, got 2800 quid left on my truck to pay off and once bills payed off, most definitely instruct dancing full time wooot! if anyone ever reads this, would like to hear their opinions on my poetry i wrote years back when on duty in the marines.... on search put last name: Marnie first name: Allan only 2 up there, just like to hear what anyone thinks. shower power bo bower, fe fi fo fockin A jimmy! yup it's that time for da shooer ;P so jumpin in the shower, wanna join me? not many ppl have that anyways, peace y0!