An Update Just For The Hell of Taking Up Room on Your Friends Page

Jun 22, 2006 19:11

Well, not a whole hell of alot has been goin', work, work, guessed it, work.

This weekend should be fun. Going up to the Burg Saturday night and then Sunday will consist of one hell of a blast Sunday afternoon. Those of you who are invited will know soon enough.

Like I said, other than that, not a whole lot is going on, really. I'm just kinda hangin' at the house and shit. So, if you ever want to stop by, feel free, mi compadres. Well, I'll leave you a quiz thing to do and I'm out, ladies and gents.

1.Your Full Name:

2. Age:

3. Favorite Color:

4. Favorite Movie:

5. Favorite Song:

6. Favorite Band:

7. Are you a virgin?

8. What makes you really happy?

9. What makes you the maddest?

10. Tell me what you think of me:

11. Do you know me or if you
don't, do you wanna meet me?

*** . . . . . . . . . . . . HERE COMES THE FUN . . . . . . . . . . . ***

12. Are we friends?

13. Do you have a crush on me/are you attracted to me?

14. Would you kiss me?

15. Would you ever ask me out or go out with me if I asked you?

16. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you:

17. Would you take care of me when I'm sick?

18. Do you want to tell me something that you couldn't before?

19. have you heard any rumors of me lately?

20. Do we/have we talk(ed) lately?

21. Do you think I'm a good person?

22. Would you let me sleep with you (in the same bed)?

23. Do you think I'm attractive?

24. Are there ever times when you want to call me but don't?

25. Would you ever listen to my problems even if they don't involve you?

26. If you could change anything about me, would you? what would it be?

27.Would you come over for no reason just to hang out?

28.Is there anything like that u really wanna know about me like a secret of something you think I'm hiding???

29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
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