Feb 03, 2008 23:49
These past few weeks I have been fighting like hell to stop from feeling burnt out with school. I always promised myself that if I ever did feel like I was getting burnt out I would take some time off and work, but I realize that if I stop I might never make it back. Also, I might have a chance to live with my brother here in Tuscaloosa. That would be cool, especially since it would really be only for when he wasn't flying. First test of the semester is already coming up on Tuesday, I feel like I am totally unprepared for it. We all know what is coming up in a little over two weeks, and maybe this year I will actually get to spend it with someone. Crazier things have happened, I mean the Giants won the Super Bowl. Gonna close with a DMB quote that I feel is appropriate for the current situation:
"Celebrate we will, for life is short, but sweet for certain."
Good times.