
Mar 20, 2009 14:33

Sometimes its the little things that get you through your day :) Today I came home to this email from my biochem proff regarding our exam this morning:

Eicosanoids include several different classes of lipids derived from arachidoic acid. The Greek root word icosa stands for 20, as in icosahedron. I explain all this for figure V-06 on page 683 in part V of the course. The same figure appears in part III of the course in lecture 21, and has the word eicosanoid in it, but I didn't explain "eicosa" in the written notes in part III.

So it was my mistake to have used it as a factor in carbon-counting for lipids on today's exam. I didn't remember that this feature of the figure is not discussed until later (during lipid metabolism discussions). I therefore will accept both multiple choice answers D or E where you matched squalene to 30 carbons. It is NOT an eicosanoid (20 carbons), but you wouldn't have known that yet. Eicosanoids, though a multiple of 5 C's (20 = 4 x 5), are NOT derived from isoprene. They come from acetyl units (20 = 10 x 2).

Dr. S

I knew it alread :)

Another awesome event happened this week. I found out that in my ecology seminar that consists predominantly of graduate students...I have the highest grade :) :)

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