Several days before graduation, I set out with a digital camera.
I feel a certain scrappy pride in Garfield's appearance, as I think most students do. I took these pictures mostly for myself, but because the school is getting torn down next year I think it's best to make them public in order to preserve Garfield's image for posterity. Garfield students tend to be fiercely independent to the point of being uncontrollable. The student body is like a motivated and intelligent collective only following the rules that make sense to them. I think our school's apprearance is kind of a mirror of that--chaotic, busy and full of energy. A cacophony of people expressing themselves--not always intelligently--but expressing themselves nonetheless. I'll miss Garfield's ghettoness that still manages to have the most merit scholars of any public school in the state and send nine kids to Stanford in one year. Here's to hoping that a shiny new building won't change any of Garfield's energy and swagger.
These are mostly from the second floor boys bathroom, but there are some other shots as well. Enjoy.
In case you didn't know, Ted Howard and Mr. Westering are both evangelical Christians.
If you look closely on the left and right, you can see the wonders of broken and stopped up 1920s plumbing.
Ahhh. Lead pipes from the 1920s.
Seriously. By painting over the bathroom every once in a while, they just create a clean slate for new graffiti.
And some non-boys bathroom shots:
I'm not even sure if there is a Hottentot tribe in Africa, and if there is, this ceremonial handshake certainly doesn't exist. I think the blame for this one goes to Dave Birini (or however you spell his name) from '03. I'm actually kind of surprised they let him paint something so obviously fraudulent.
For some of you, this one should probably be explained. This was formerly the "I Don't Want To Go There Anyway" board (for posting college rejection letters). It was altered in the last couple days of school.
'06 jumping the gun somewhat:
Ahhh. Nostalgia.