Bonus Day to Make Up For The Lack of Fun That Was Thursday

Mar 18, 2007 23:10

Okay, so I said I'd provide some more stuff before the big reveals go up...and today I bring you...

BADFIC: Mad-libs style!

Here's how it'll work: You'll fill out the form as given below, and before my identity is revealed, I will put up your very own customized (and short) badficlet. Oh, and I should mention that out of the fandoms you specified, I'm only familiar with Harry Potter.

Ooookay, so...

Pairing you'd like me to annihilate (can be an OTP or a ship you'd like to drive into the ocean):
A cliche associated with the ship:
An exclamation or saying that makes you cringe when reading romance:
Random body part:
Tell-tale sign that the author abused the thesaurus or made up their own euphenism (ex: "orbs", "meat curtains"):
Any other specifics you want:

And also, some music. Moonpools and Caterpillars. 90s pop band. Pure fun, if you're into happy bands. Not much emo in my collection, I'm afraid. :D
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